Page 1 of Acoustic Energy Aego 2`s only £79 at Powerhouse

Bargain Buckets Forum

Acoustic Energy Aego 2`s only £79 at Powerhouse

Westy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd January 2004, 09:46

God knows what got me in there, but i picked up two sets of these for a bargain £79 last night!!

Brand new and boxed in black. Stunning speakers for anything.

Considering their original launch TRP was £299, that`s amazing value! Closest price is £99 at HifiBitz.

Currently being used to entertain the living room as the Home Cinema`s all packed away ready to move :( Quite stunning quality. Loads at the Cardiff branch yesterday..


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RE: Acoustic Energy Aego 2`s only £79 at Powerhouse

Maxwell Hammer (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 23rd January 2004, 14:19


Sorry to sound ignorant: are these the same speakers that come with the Aego P5 package?

RE: Acoustic Energy Aego 2`s only £79 at Powerhouse

sj (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd January 2004, 14:28

Yes they are.

The sub is basically the same but also has a connection non the front if I remember rightly. To connect maybe a Walkman etc.


RE: Acoustic Energy Aego 2`s only £79 at Powerhouse

Pardip (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 23rd January 2004, 15:18

Nice review here

RE: Acoustic Energy Aego 2`s only £79 at Powerhouse

sj (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd January 2004, 16:01

lol. Some great `English` there..

let us first try out the sound, which we have been so eager to put our ears on.


RE: Acoustic Energy Aego 2`s only £79 at Powerhouse

Tarzan (Competent) posted this on Friday, 23rd January 2004, 16:06

I agree.
If you want some more "great english" to lol, try


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