Page 1 of UNDEAD - Region 4 - CD-WOW - £8.99...

Bargain Buckets Forum

UNDEAD - Region 4 - CD-WOW - £8.99...

chewie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 17th June 2004, 17:01

I haven`t seen this film, but at this price (£5.49 with link and voucher) I can`t pass it up.
I`ve head good things about it, but also some not so good things. But it looks fun. And it`s Australian, so it should be funny :D

Here is the link :)

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: UNDEAD - Region 4 - CD-WOW - £8.99...

johncock (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 17th June 2004, 18:03

seen it a few months ago not the greatest film, a couple of good bits but the ends a bit pants

RE: UNDEAD - Region 4 - CD-WOW - £8.99...

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Friday, 18th June 2004, 06:52

I`d heard so much regarding this film, but when I got to see it, I was hugely disappointed. Not the classic it`s professed to be!!! >:(

Then again, I know some who think it`s one of the greatest cult films of all time. Different strokes...

"Stan is my best friend at church"

RE: UNDEAD - Region 4 - CD-WOW - £8.99...

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 20th June 2004, 10:50

Well, I was about to go for it, but I noticed The Last Samurai R3 DVD was only £8.99 too. So I ordered that for £6.49, and will order Undead sometime during the week :D

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

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