Info and forum posts by 'johncock'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 13th February 2001, 23:56, Last used: Sunday, 9th October 2011, 18:38

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 51 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Civil service/ Public sector strikes

Civil service/ Public sector = scapegoat

if these so called cushy jobs are so great why are you not all working in them ?

RE: Bruno Senna Eau-rouge in car mobile phone footage


is this the one?

fancy a game of hangman?

just started playing this clicky, guess the film from the picture

i`ll get you started ...the first letter is not Z

edit* forgot the link :/

This item was edited on Friday, 4th March 2011, 18:21

it`s my birthday, i`m 10 today

although i never post i usually check this site every few days, can`t believe it`s been 10 years since i joined......

maybe i`ll post again in another 10

RE: HMV Instore Sale

metroid prime 2 for £4.99

RE: PSP2 & PS3 news

small clip of the dual shock in action here also a few other details of what you get for your money.


Not sure if its nation wide but my local asda is selling the 1 disc narnia for £9.75

2 disc edition was £17.97 seems a bit pricey considering HMV are doing it for £17.99

RE: Roboraptor £49.99 @Toys R Uc

highlight the address and click Url button hopefully it should work

This item was edited on Saturday, 3rd December 2005, 11:18

RE: Just how powerful a PC do you need to play DVDs on a PC

I used to watch dvds on a 533mhz no problems could be the disk you are playing.

are you running any other programs while playing the dvd?

RE: new walkman

they look sweet, although has anyone seen the new ipod nano

This item was edited on Saturday, 10th September 2005, 10:19

RE: Fantastic 4 - the reviews are in

as the comic book collector fom the simpsons would put it " worst episode ever" or have we been spoiled with the likes of Batman?

at the end of the day Fantasic 4 is a kids movie and from what i saw most of the kid did enjoy it.

RE: Radiohead, best band in the world???

dj shadow Vs radiohead download No.6 in the download chart

This item was edited on Saturday, 12th February 2005, 17:46

RE: Radiohead, best band in the world???

yes, been a fan since the start seen them live a few time and the were f**king amazing. its crazy they have had so many number 1 albums but never a number one single.

i`m glad everyone hates them gives me a better chance to see them live :p :D

has anyone heard DJ shadows remix of the gloaming? it one of the better remixes out there worth the download.

RE: new RAM but pc will not boot

i have had a play with the bios and finally got them both running together the only diference is the memory frequency has dropped from 200mhz to 166mhz. what is better 768mg of ram running at 166mhz or 512 of ram running at 200mhz?? or will i not notice any difference?

thanks for the previous responses

new RAM but pc will not boot

i brought a 512 stick of crutial pc3200 RAM the otherday, put it into the pc thinking windows will run faster but it would not boot :( :( :( , it asks if i want to safe boot then just restarts :( :( . it will boot if i put just one stick (either 512 or 256) in but refuses when they are both in together.
any ideas to get both running at the same time? or is it a case of buying another 512 of ram to match what is in?

Motherboard =Soltek Sl-75FRN2-RL
2800 xp barton core
120 gig SATA
128mg graphics card
256 Kingston Hyperx Pc3200 ram
pioneer 107
windows xp


RE: Fatties should pay more for clothes!

Which made me wonder why I (an athletic(!) 38 chest/30 waist. OK, 32 sometimes) am charged the same for my clothes as some bloater who`s x sizes bigger than me. What about all that extra fabric they`re getting for `free`?!

why dont you just buy the larger sizes then you will get fabric for free

This item was edited on Saturday, 30th October 2004, 19:48

RE: Woolworths mobiles - absolutely astounding deals!!!

Reestit Mutton you are a god! mine arrived today 12:30 :)

RE: For all the fellas...

all that play sure make you thirsty

RE: Civil servants - a political football once again <<sigh>>

i work my balls off, get sh*t pay and this is what thanks we get.

RE: spiderman arcade

check out the above link,this is game i spent my pocket money on. i,m sure venom is the first boss.

spiderman arcade

with every one going mad about spidy, what was the name of the coin-up from the early 90`s staring spiderman and hawkeye? from what i remember it was great.

can you get it MAME ??

RE: Rude Road/Place names near you.

Bell End (map)
4.1 miles

Lickey End (map)
7.3 miles

Feckenham (map)
14.7 miles

Foul End (map)
19.8 miles

Piddle Brook (map)
22.1 miles

Wyre Piddle (map)
22.7 miles

Druggers End (map)
30.1 miles

Bishops Itchington (map)
32.5 miles

Willey (map)
34.1 miles

The Bog (map)
37.5 miles

RE: UNDEAD - Region 4 - CD-WOW - £8.99...

seen it a few months ago not the greatest film, a couple of good bits but the ends a bit pants

RE: how do you install emulators on the xbox??

thanks, ive finally got the megadrive emulator to work, :) the memories are flooding back

:D :D :D

how do you install emulators on the xbox??

title speaks for it self.

in the dashbord menu there is a title "self installed emulators" but this is empty how do i put them on? any help would be great.

RE: James Bond Collection (video) £29.99

Virgin are sell Bond vids at 99p each

some sound advice

i`m after a subwoooooer to go with my marantz 5200 any suggestions my budget is 150 - 200 quid. i did buy a eltax s6 for 80 quid but took it back the same day all it did was make farting noises.

has anyone got a gale 3080 and are they any good? it seems ok for the money.

any advice would be most helpful
