Page 1 of Star DVD`s (Again)

Bargain Buckets Forum

Star DVD`s (Again)

Roger James (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd May 2001, 16:50

Today (Tuesday), I have again visited the site as Star had quoted that the stock would definitely have arrived by Monday. The following message is posted:

Stock will start shipping this week with our May specials and other major releases from the last few weeks such as Superman Box Sets and Ultimate Groove. We have closed our checkout system (!!!???) while we resolve some supply issues so we can dedicate our time to fulfilling the orders of our current customers while rectifying the issues of our future ones. If you have sent an email and not recieved a reply we are swamped with AB Sound CC related enquiries, we have replied to some 200 today but still have more.

I have sent the following mail to Star DVD`s, as yet with no reply:

Interesting message on the site. But one thing................................Has the stock arrived? Yes or no?

Perhaps it`s just me, but after showing plenty of patience, i`m beginning to get a little worried. I mean, "We have closed our checkout system" ......................What??!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Star DVD`s (Again)

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd May 2001, 11:00

There are at least two good reasons why they`ve shut their checkout system :

(1) They have about 1000 orders to fulfil, which they will be sending out later this week - their priority seems to be `let`s sort out the punters we have got already` - seems reasonable.

(2) They are still reeling from the AB Sound disaster, and apparently received 400 e-mails from customers who`d obviously given them credit card details on cards that should, had they been used at AB Sound, be cancelled : naturally this has created an awful lot of extra work at a time when they could really do without it.

I`m confident that they will not renege on this promise - most of you with your Star DVD orders should hopefully get them fulfilled. I`m led to believe the stock has been cleared by Customs, so it`s just awaiting collection and despatch.

For those of you who waited I think you`re gonna be okay. (Please don`t let me eat my own words, here !)

RE: Star DVD`s (Again)

Wedge G (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd May 2001, 11:26

huh! I don`t understand. What do ABSound have to do with StarDVDs? Are they partners or something?

RE: Star DVD`s (Again)

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd May 2001, 11:49

i think its more to do with the fact that people have had to cancel their credit cards because of ab sound.

RE: Star DVD`s (Again)

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd May 2001, 18:29

AB Sounds` website was hacked into and basically the evil person managed to access their customer database which had all their credit card details.

To be fair to AB they wrote to everyone affected, and have published details on their website.

It couldn`t have happened to a nicer firm, in my opinion....

Hence the fallout on other DVD Retailers has been massive, particularly those with outstanding orders, which as we know includes Star customers.

A nightmare to sort out, by all accounts, as Star certainly hadn`t charged anyone`s credit card.

RE: Star DVD`s (Again)

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd May 2001, 19:46

i cant believe what is happening!!!!!!
I was one of the first to jump at them and have a pop. Many people convinced me to be patient so i have been. Tell me now, where are my dvds then? for F*cks sake its been nearly a month. How long does it take to get a dvd? play certainly dont have probs getting their large shipments in. What the hells going on here? The previous worst experience i had was with dvd box office but even they shipped my dvds 3 weeks after they should have done. And that was from canada. These guuys are uk based.

RE: Star DVD`s (Again)

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd May 2001, 20:22

Not much point in getting riled over this (says he after taking the mick about Star`s dodgy spelling for ages). I`m giving them a few more days to change my order status from `Confirmed` to `It`s on its way, matey boy!` and then I`m going to cancel. The only problem about this is the fact that we have to email them to cancel an order, and I suspect emails are going to be taking time to be processed.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 23rd May 2001, 20:22

RE: Star DVD`s (Again)

samantha (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd May 2001, 23:55


Are star dvds behind the post strike cause i think that is the next excuse coming out.
Dont blame us! Ring the post office to see where you dvds are
If they are ever posted,that is.


RE: Star DVD`s (Again)

erectionthatcouldcausearmageddon (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 24th May 2001, 07:59

as I`ve said before - it could be a cashflow problem.

RE: Star DVD`s (Again)

Roger James (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 24th May 2001, 10:26

Clayts, I take your point about the problems Star are having in starting up, but considering that they are having problems with e-mails also, I would have thought that updating the message on the site would have taken some sort of priority!! I believe i`ve shown a considerable amount of patience with Star (as have many others), but they`re starting to look extremely unprofessional in the way they are going about things. Personally, I find the attitude of Steve Loftus strangely contradictory. On one hand he appears to want to keep people informed and run his company on correct lines, but then, in e-mails to myself his demeanour is odd and somewhat aggressive towards customers in general as he talks about being "p***ed off" with people complaining about him and the Company. He`s obviously not looking at it from a customer viewpoint, and appears unable to see the worry and frustration people feel in this situation!
One other thing, and I don`t wish to harp on about it, but the poor grammar and spelling on the site and in the e-mails does seem puzzling. Steve is obviously not checking postings prior to putting them out on site and in mails, but surely he could utilise someone to whom English is not a problem.
Finally, yes I will keep waiting, but I strongly suspect that not everyone will, and this next couple of weeks is going to prove more crucial to Stars` future than it`s potential customers!

This item was edited on Thursday, 24th May 2001, 10:50

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