Page 1 of R u addicted?

Bargain Buckets Forum

R u addicted?

Gan* (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 12th July 2001, 08:51

Whos addicted to buying DVDs from OZ??

RE: R u addicted?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 12th July 2001, 11:14

Couldn`t tell you yet Gan - have just ordered 2001 from ezydvd though, so if it`s addictive I`m sure I`ll be hooked - mind you, if it`s like smoking your first fag Ill throw up violently, thereby ruining the nice and shiny packaging. I`ll keep you informed.

RE: R u addicted?

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th July 2001, 12:51

me. i have bought around 8ish from there so far but the prices are too good and u just cant resist

RE: R u addicted?

Phil R (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 12th July 2001, 13:05

No way - i can stop anytime I want to (I just don`t want to...)

RE: R u addicted?

JParsons (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 12th July 2001, 13:40

I am endeavouring to nurture an addiction, but seem to be the victim of postal wanderings at the moment. Also, my time at EZY seems to have resulted in the site being blocked. How upsetting.


RE: R u addicted?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th July 2001, 17:22

This thread should really have gone in the General Forum guys.

No bargains that I can see of anyway.

(psst - I`m soooooo addicted)

DVD Reviewer

**************************THREAD CLOSED*******************

RE: R u addicted?

Chivalry (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 12th July 2001, 17:52

um.. i can handle it... i mean.. i only check the specials page 4 times a day to see if its updated.. thats normal?? isnt it?...isnt it??.. and anyway.. at them prices i dont mind bein so far i got abyss special 2 disc set for 12.00.. fight club collectors 2 disc set for 12.50.. plus a host of others,, WOOOHOOO FOR ADDICTIONS!!!

RE: R u addicted?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 12th July 2001, 18:30

ah yes, but isn`t the R4 Fight Club censored in some way?? - nasty headbutts or something. I think R2 + 4 have got some pleasant headbutting instead.

RE: R u addicted?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th July 2001, 20:21

Excuse me - which part of `THREAD CLOSED` didn`t you understand you two ;-)

Any more postings on this thread will be deleted.

Alternatively, someone start a similar thread over at the General Forum, although I seem to recall we had an `addiction` one fairly recently.

Now - thread closed. I thank you

DVD Reviewer

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