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Page 1 of where are all the sale bargains?

Bargain Buckets Forum

where are all the sale bargains?

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th December 2011, 19:06

what a disappointing day... went into Next, Tesco, Sainsbury, Boots, Currys, Halfords, Millets, Mountain Warehouse, Brantano, Matalan, M&S... bought not one item!

Can honestly say not seen a single item at a price where i thought i must have it!  

This item was edited on Wednesday, 28th December 2011, 19:11

RE: where are all the sale bargains?

Paull (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th December 2011, 19:19

My wife went off early & came back saying the same.

RE: where are all the sale bargains?

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th December 2011, 19:23

In the week running up to Xmas, most news sources were reporting upto 80% discount in some stores, and the sites i use for my games and  blu-rays all e-mailed me links to their sale items were everything seemed to be the same price it was before or more (hello Then the boxing day sales hit and again it wasall the same stuff at the same price.

I did however manage to get the Tarantino Blu-ray boxset in a £82.00 - £20.00 misprice at Littlewoods. I placed the order, they rang the following day to say it was a misprice but they were happy to honour because i wasn`t greedy and only ordered 1.

This years sales have been very disappointing so far and i also haven`t picked anything up yet.

Has anyone else had better luck?


This item was edited on Wednesday, 28th December 2011, 19:25

RE: where are all the sale bargains?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 28th December 2011, 19:39

enemyonpc says...
In the week running up to Xmas, most news sources were reporting upto 80% discount in some stores
Fed by cunning PR agencies no doubt. :/ The same ones that result in such lines as "this weekend is predicted to be the busiest on record/this year/delete as appropriate".


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RE: where are all the sale bargains?

admars (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th December 2011, 19:39

Same, I bought a few bargains before Christmas, (mostly online but also Game`s in store 2nd hand games), thanks to hotukdeals. Boxing day only sale item I got was a Star Wars annual for 1.99 in Waterstones, shame WHSmith wasn`t open as apparently they were £1 in there :(

HMV and Game were really busy, but I`m guessing the only ppl buying must be those without internet, or returning gifts as I saw no bargains, HMV`s website had some good offers, but they were online only.

Boxing Day, like last year Next opened at 6:00, 10:00 there were still queues to get in, looked like a 1 in 1 out system!

I even went to Best Buy again near me, but it was no better than the other week when I went, 50% off rrp on DVDs, and 40% off RRP on games, still more expensive than many online shops.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 28th December 2011, 19:41

RE: where are all the sale bargains?

Gaffski (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th December 2011, 21:09

Picked up 5.1 sony surround system for under £200 at the Sony centre.. beat online best price by 50 quid.

I don`t want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member

RE: where are all the sale bargains?

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th December 2011, 21:51

I don`t regard any sales as much use unless your one of those camped outside the door for the publicity driving half a dozen items that really are a good deal.
Most other stuff is end of line or special purchase.
I`m currently looking for a desktop PC (see other thread) and there seemed to be better deals around last August when I couldn`t afford it, though possibly the HDD prices may affect that.


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RE: where are all the sale bargains?

Grumpy Old Git (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 29th December 2011, 14:06

I think most "sales" are hysteria driven anyways, i dont call a ££20 to £30 saving on a t.v a "bargain" that would convince me to buy it to be honest - i did pop out to Asda today and got some £12 shirts for £6 and some "T" shirts for £4 but clothing usually attracts the best reductions.

Just waiting for my neighbour to go out and buy his new 3D t.v so i can buy his old one (Samsung L.E.D) at some ridiculously cheap price!  

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RE: where are all the sale bargains?

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th December 2011, 18:34

I braved the metrocentre on boxing day (its become a tradition for me and the sister to go out shopping on a boxing day, we used to find some real bargains, the last few years not so good), it was busy but there seemed to be far more empty handed folks there than there were laiden down with sale bags...

HMV`s `sale` was a joke most of the series box sets were between £10 - £30 more than the online prices, the inbetweeners 3 series dvd set was £ was £15 instore only a few weeks ago, £13 on amazon...its currently £10 in asda and £8 in morrisons. Their 2 for £15 Blu-ray offer had some decent titles in it but you can buy most of em for between £6 and £8 anyhow so no great deal really. I bought `Cowboys and aliens` only because my pre order hadnt been precessed in the run up to Christmas so it was quicker to buy it instore than wait for it to be posted

The sis got some trainers in the sale at a good price, other than that its been pretty poor all round, no amazing deals on TV`s etc, I cant see where these amazing retail bargains are that they keep telling us about on the news

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RE: where are all the sale bargains?

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 31st December 2011, 19:53

Asda have some bargains, but you have to be careful...some of the toys are a really good buy if you have little ones, and the clothes sale isn`t bad, as long as you pick and choose...the kids stuff wasn`t cheap, some of the adult stuff was so I got myself a couple of goodies and the kids got a couple of toys :)

I would add that I think claiming their kids` clothing sale is an up to half price sale is taking the mick just a touch, seeing as there wasn`t one single item that was half price in the whole lot (Yes I was sad enough to check, but only after the few things me and the girls could agree on had like £2 knocked off...thats not cheap lol)

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