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Bottom Live 2003

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 27th November 2003, 23:29

It can be said that the country can be a bit grateful that this will be the last of the Bottom Live tours. I absolutely loved the original series, and the live tours up to No 3 (Hooligan`s island). But after that Ade and Rik seemed to flat run out of ideas, and this one just plain proves it.

The play starts in the toilet (guffaw) and remains there for the first half. There`s only so far a fart gag can go guys, and you`re pushing 50. Throw in some very bad set design and comedy props, and you`re running away from the absolute GENIUS of the first 3 like Richie on the run to the lavvie after a hefty night at the Lamb and Flag

The second half has a minimalist set and end in EXACTLY the same way as the last one did. I`m not exaggerating either, the ending is EXACTLY the same as `An Arse Oddity`. Albeit with some large underpants hanging down from the ceiling.

Add a bit of time travel and some cricket-bat action, and you`re still treading the same ground as before.

3/10, if only for the ad-libs

RE: Bottom Live 2003

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Friday, 28th November 2003, 09:41

How do you know its going to be the last Bottom live show have Rick ans Adrian actually said there not going to to any more

Beware the wine merchant he comes bearing Halibut

RE: Bottom Live 2003

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 28th November 2003, 17:31

Yep, last Sunday Mirror.

RE: Bottom Live 2003

Jonpy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th November 2003, 18:12

Have to disagree with Stanz there.

Am a big fan of Bottom (have all the episodes and live shows on DVD and have seen the show live a couple of times) and although I agree that the Live show has detereoated a lot over the years, I`d say that this tour bridges the gap between the genuis of the first two Live shows and the not so goodness of the 3rd and 4th shows.

It was good to see the charectors back in squaler, where they truely belong (the desert island just did not work imho) and the first half of the show was fantastic.

The 2nd half however, although had some classic moments, soon trailed off back in time rather literally, as I felt I`d been transported back to 2001 as the end approached.

So left feeling a little cheated at the carbon copy ending of the last show but the great performance of the first half and first 15 mins of the second made up for it.

Stanz - Did you see it live or watch the DVD? As I`m sure live will always get you a little more involved in Rik`s endless energy (and some mates got his pants at the end).

I`ll still be buying the DVD....when it`s under a tenner of course. ;)


RE: Bottom Live 2003

Sticks (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 1st December 2003, 00:18


I have to dissagree aswell! I am a big bottom fan, and I have just got in from the show.

After reading what Stanz had to say i agree i was a bit worried that it might be rubbish, but it wasn`t it was wikid.

And i think i will be the only one here to say this but I found the second half better than the first. I think because we had a funny crowd which kept interupting and forcing them to ad lib it seemed to make up for the poor set and the story line which made no sence to me at all (can anyone explain what the hell the pants were about???)

If u like bottom I strongly suggest u go and see it live, its the last there doing and it is one of the funniest things Ive been to.


RE: Bottom Live 2003

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th December 2003, 16:01

I saw them at Newcastle City Hall.

I have to admit that while it wasn`t exactly bad, it didn`t really live up to my expectations.

They seemed to be playing on the "the audience thinks its hilarious when we f*** up our lines" bit, and a good deal of it simply wasn`t as funny as past shows.

6/10 I would give it.

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