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DVDs & Films Forum

Event Horizon S.E.?????

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Monday, 5th July 2004, 06:48

Sorry me again.

I`ve just read that Paramount are planning to release Event Horizon Special Edition on October 11th. Can anyone confirm this,? Also know if it`s the eagerly awaited directors cut?


DVD collection & WANTED list

RE: Event Horizon S.E.?????

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Monday, 5th July 2004, 09:31

Can neither confirm nor deny, but just add that its a very underrated film. I really like it.

It was the last thing I did before i went to Uni. We were going to take in a film then go for a few pints, but its so depressing everyone just went home after it finished!

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Event Horizon S.E.?????

Riverway (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 5th July 2004, 09:35

When I was working on Resident Evil, I asked Paul Anderson about an Event Horizon Directors Cut. He said the studio had asked him to do a commentary and work on a special edition but he was too busy at that time working on Resident Evil.

That was 2 years ago and since then he`s written Res Evil 2 and made Alien vs Predator but hopefully he`s made time to work on this as well.

The company I worked for when doing Res Evil, also worked on Event Horizon and they had the first rough edit of the film which included scenes that were later cut. There is a lot more of Sam Neil chasing people around the ship once he`s been brought back and it has more of a stalk and slash feel to it. The version I saw didn`t have any sound or special effects, so it would be great to see it in a finished version.

RE: Event Horizon S.E.?????

Thornastor (Competent) posted this on Monday, 5th July 2004, 11:06

IIRC it is the new D.C cut

RE: Event Horizon S.E.?????

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Monday, 5th July 2004, 17:33

IIRC it is the new D.C cut


I remember me mate thinking that this film is what The Black Hole should of been. Perhaps a tad to violent for a Disney film.


DVD collection & WANTED list

RE: Event Horizon S.E.?????

Thornastor (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 6th July 2004, 11:22

If I Remember Correctly ( IIRC) It is a Director`s Cut or uncut and deleted footage added in with commentary

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