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Post Office got your DVD? Pinch it!

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 3rd September 2004, 04:26

Customs painted a big fat bullseye on a package 6 months ago, and when i went to the sorting office to pay the tenner in fees, the old dodger stuck the package in front of me and disappeared while i fished out my money.

Did i miss a golden oppertunity? I can run pretty fast. lol

NOTE: I`m aware i`ve posted this in the wrong forum. :/

This item was edited on Friday, 3rd September 2004, 05:29

RE: Post Office got your DVD? Pinch it!

izombie (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd September 2004, 07:57

Probably not a good idea. After all they do have your address! :D

` nice until it`s time to not be nice`

RE: Post Office got your DVD? Pinch it!

dkuk2000 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd September 2004, 08:46

Great News !!!!!!!! one over the normal theiving b[at]sdrats :D
Bad News as mentioned they have your address :(

(A.C.C Founder)

RE: Post Office got your DVD? Pinch it!

posty (Competent) posted this on Friday, 3rd September 2004, 17:23

as a royal mail emloyee i`m f#cking feed up with people like above who thinks he missed a chance to nick his OWN mail then blame the postman for doing it and demand compo, then moan when the price of stamps have to go up all because one bulls*** tv program told a pack of lies (those credit cards that he claimed were sold to him were infact delivered by a courier which was confirmed by barclay card and the program and program makers are being sued by royal mail)
there are millions upon millions of posted items at portsmouth and belfast sorting office that are stored and opened to get any information because there was no address or Insufficient never ceased to amaze me the amount of post cards with, having a nice time weather great wish you were here love blah blah then on the right just a name and no address

RE: Post Office got your DVD? Pinch it!

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd September 2004, 17:33

as a royal mail emloyee i`m f#cking feed up with people like above who thinks he missed a chance to nick his OWN mail then blame the postman for doing it and demand compo, then moan when the price of stamps have to go up all because one bulls*** tv program told a pack of lies

Sorry?? ...did the origional poster said they were gonna steal the dvd and claim compensation....the point was that the dvd had a post office charge, no mention of `stealing it and claiming compo` Miserable bloody postie...I hope you get a great big sack of mail to delever tomorow...but then you would just claim compo for your bad back eh...and live on benefits ....that makes our taxes go up....and then you`ll complain about the rise in taxation.... :p

"If I had time....and a hammer, I`d track down every bootleg copy and smash it........"
- George Lucas

My DVD collection

This item was edited on Friday, 3rd September 2004, 18:30

RE: Post Office got your DVD? Pinch it!

PearlJam (Competent) posted this on Friday, 3rd September 2004, 18:33

"posty" - do you deliver a lot of mail to wrong addresses by any chance ? I only ask because if you read addresses as badly as your grammar suggests then dear help anyone waiting for their mail.

If I can remember what I saw in the documentary you are referring to, never mind the credit card "incident" - what about the shoddy way mail was "treated" in the sorting offices - surely that can`t be condoned ?

My DVD Collection

This item was edited on Friday, 3rd September 2004, 19:30

RE: Post Office got your DVD? Pinch it!

izombie (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd September 2004, 19:15

what about the shoddy way mail was "treated" in the sorting offices - surely that can`t be condoned ?

No it can`t but it`s not confined to the post office either. My brother used to work for UPS and they treat them just as bad maybe worse.
And don`t be too hard on poor old `posty` he`s obviously pi**ed off with his job. Why don`t you look for something else? You could always try joining the circus and becoming a clown :D

` nice until it`s time to not be nice`

This item was edited on Sunday, 5th September 2004, 01:38

RE: Post Office got your DVD? Pinch it!

Saqib (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd September 2004, 19:20

hey guys lay off the guy man...i mean, he prob has access to imported uzis etc that are still sitting around in the sorting office - u wouldn`t want him to go postal your ass would you? :)

RE: Post Office got your DVD? Pinch it!

Stuart McLean (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 3rd September 2004, 19:41

Guys got a point - coupla bad apples and we condemn the entire workforce. I have DVD`s delivered here every week and never lost one... ;)

RE: Post Office got your DVD? Pinch it!

badboybez (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd September 2004, 20:30

Guys got a point - coupla bad apples and we condemn the entire workforce. I have DVD`s delivered here every week and never lost one...

Well you`re lucky mate! I have had loads go missing not just DVD`s. So I started to only get `signed for` stuff sent to me house. OK for a while then that stuff started to go missing or being returned to the sender. Postie never left any calling cards either. >:(


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