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Page 1 of `I Heart Huckerbees` and `Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind` these films suck!

DVDs & Films Forum

`I Heart Huckerbees` and `Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind` these films suck!

Snookums (Competent) posted this on Monday, 18th April 2005, 23:16

I`ve just had the misfortune to watch these two films close together...oh and an Asian one called Goku.....and jeez what a waste of 5 hours! Are these films part of a new `existential/jazz` genre of modern film?
These things are like watching jazz.......absolutely no sense or purpose whatsoever.
Does anybody actually enjoy watching this kind of thing?

Before these two I`d just seen Sideways which I thought was excellent and The Machinist which I thought was good.

I just hope there aren`t now going to be a load of these random pointless things.
Can someone who knows a lot about movies tell me if these things are the `new,cool,arty films` of the new millenia?

RE: `I Heart Huckerbees` and `Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind` these films suck!

0A1B2C (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th April 2005, 00:09

I don`t know a lot about films, but I`ve seen a lot and I have to say "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is one of the best in my opinion. Jim Carrey`s finest performance, if you ask me.


RE: `I Heart Huckerbees` and `Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind` these films suck!

Arf (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 19th April 2005, 00:31

I have to agree on Huckabees... biggest pile of pretentious tosh. Caused me physical pain, and had to give up halfway through.

RE: `I Heart Huckerbees` and `Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind` these films suck!

admars (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th April 2005, 06:18

I liked Eternal Sunshine, but thought Adaptation was much better. A couple of pppl at work hated Eternal Sunshine, they thought it was boring.

Other ppl I know who love Eternal Sunshine, watch it having heard its good, i.e. without knowing the story, so I think the enjoy it more on the "Oh, I get it" level, makes them feel clever :)

Saying that I liked Vanilla Sky, up until the "twist" which wasn`t so much of a twist, as some random events thrown together to suprise you ;)

Haven`t seen Huckerbees, but thought from the trailer it looked good ;)


RE: `I Heart Huckerbees` and `Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind` these films suck!

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th April 2005, 07:28

I bought "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" on hearsay (got it for a couple of quid in some offer) it was nice to watch Jim Carrey act without pulling is face all over the place,and he proved he is a good actor, but the film was a bit strange and will probaly need another viewing,but it is nice to watch something different for a change, could turn out like "Donnie Darko" you either love it or hate it,nice to have the choice though. :) :)
Vanilla Sky,and Fight club I am still trying to work out. :/ :)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 19th April 2005, 08:33

RE: `I Heart Huckerbees` and `Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind` these films suck!

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 19th April 2005, 09:25

Eternal Sunshine was one of the best movies of last year, easily.

Oh my God, Bear is driving! How can that be?

RE: `I Heart Huckerbees` and `Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind` these films suck!

Doug B. (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 19th April 2005, 09:43

Eternal Sunshine was trying to be a bit too clever for it`s own good. Yes, the performances were good but it was all just a little too messed up to make for an enjoyable watch. It was just on the wrong side of irritating.

RE: `I Heart Huckerbees` and `Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind` these films suck!

Snookums (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 19th April 2005, 11:34

I do like these `make you think` films but not when they are made deliberately hard to watch.
Fight Club was OK and Memento was a good one.If you liked these two The Machinist is a more recent one along similar lines which is pretty good.
Oh another one which made little sense and seemed pretentious was Requiem for a Dream.Have to admit I didn`t really enjoy Trainspotting or Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas either.I guess I see enough random ramblings at the pub!

RE: `I Heart Huckerbees` and `Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind` these films suck!

Blue John (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th April 2005, 12:24

These things are like watching jazz.......absolutely no sense or purpose whatsoever.

Nothing like an uneducated sweeping generalisation, is there. Just because you don`t like it, there`s no need to be ignorant :p


Si (Musical Director of de Ferrers Jazz Orchestra, Trombonist with Dancing Men - Buddy Rich Tribute Orchestra)

Our Collection (including the ones that belong to the kids!)

`I have something to say. It`s better to burn out than to fade away.`

RE: `I Heart Huckerbees` and `Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind` these films suck!

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 19th April 2005, 13:41

Nothing like an uneducated sweeping generalisation, is there. Just because you don`t like it, there`s no need to be ignorant

Agreed. Evidently the film was just above him. :p

Oh my God, Bear is driving! How can that be?

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