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DVDs & Films Forum

Video Cds

klovesu (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd April 2002, 21:36

Does anyone know where i can buy video cds. As i cant find then anywhere. I would like a uk site or even mail order, thanks

RE: Video Cds

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd April 2002, 21:42

RE: Video Cds

biteman (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd April 2002, 16:41

I`ve been using and .
They use CCnow and registered post so they are safe!

RE: Video Cds

klovesu (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th April 2002, 16:12

Just found a Cheap site for V cds Its

they have all sorts of good stuff and the postage is cheaper than usual only $5.05 for 2 movies. - latest VCDs!

jack.wayman (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th April 2002, 18:19

Hey all,

Have any of you tried They look really professional and have all the latest cinema release VCDs..

I`ve ordered 5 from them and get another one of my choice free so I`ll let you know how it goes.

The site address again is



RE: - latest VCDs!

Chris W (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 28th April 2002, 22:37

Well `Jack` (newly registered and two postings both recommending the same site selling pirate VCDs) - the same ones cost about £4.66 at movieshop and you`re "" visit them. They also seem to offer the buy 5 get one free deal.

Pirate VCDs of new releases tend to be cack anyway.

This item was edited on Sunday, 28th April 2002, 22:38

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