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Do I buy an X-box 360 or not...... Confused

Bravesoul (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 29th November 2005, 17:50

I`ve got abit of a problem here.... Not sure wither or not too buy an X-box 360 or not. I didn`t pre-book one.... However I know where I could get one on realese day. I was all set to get one when I came on here and read about the troubles that they`re having over in America....Sounds like a rush job leading too mistakes on the build quality...

This put me right off.... Last week Toys `R` us sent me an advert for the Nintendo DS, Mario kart DS, a starter pak and Sonic rush DS for just £110.... Now I`m wondering if I shouldn`t go for the DS..... I know they are nothing like one another and I really should get the 360....

However, I might be better off buy the DS and waiting till after crimbo and seeing how the 360 is on the reliability front....

I already have a PS2, X-box, Gamecube and PSP.... Just fancy playing Mario kart and Mario 64 DS....... but after that I`m not sure I fancy any other DS games....

Plus does anyone know if this Nintendo wi-fi conector will allow me to go online with my PSP aswell as a DS (if I buy one).... Also do you know where I can get one from ( is out of stock) I might have to get one from Amazon (again if I buy the DS)

I phoned up Game, Toys `R` us and Gamestation........ None of them have heard about the 360s problems.... And reasure me that Microsoft will replace my system if I get a dodgey one........ So this leaves me in a bit of a do I.... don`t I type situation.....

Can anyone help.........?

"If Gods mistakes are built to last then I shall live eternal"

RE: Do I buy an X-box 360 or not...... Confused

penzance (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 29th November 2005, 22:48

If the only reason you won`t get a 360 is due to worry of it crashing etc then you shouldn`t worry cos most of the crashing was due to overheating and bad ventilation. The only reason i would not get a 360 would be cos at the moment they aren`t really needed IMO and I am quite happy with my current generation consoles, prices will fall when the 360 is a necessity.

The DS wi fi adapter will only work with the DS from what I have read.

RE: Do I buy an X-box 360 or not...... Confused

Eternaldark (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th November 2005, 12:50

To be honest I dont see the 360 as that big a step up from the original xbox as I thought, seems to me same old stuff just a different coat of paint.

Might reconsider after developers have had a year to get to grips and price has come down, but my moneys most likely going on the PS3

RE: Do I buy an X-box 360 or not...... Confused

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st December 2005, 10:39

I have never been a big fan of handheld gaming. Not that it`s bad, I just never have the us e for it. So I wouldn`t go for a DS. The 360 however, I will probably get as I am a dedicated Live player. Just have to wait until March or april when the next shipment comes in.

My DVD collection

67suissac[at]moc.tenretnitb/cassius76.html" target="_blank">JamesL

RE: Do I buy an X-box 360 or not...... Confused

Bravesoul (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 1st December 2005, 17:25

It just so happens that my sister know the mangeress of a local store who told her that they have 28 pre-booked 360s and 36 available for sale.... So according to her if I am there before they open tomorrow then I should get one.... However just like everywhere else I have read about, they are selling preformed packs....... Between £350 and £400.. She didn`t know what the packs contained...

I just have visions of me showing up and the packs being an absolute ripoff but feeling that I have no option but too buy one........ Either that or wait God knows how long `till the other stores get them in again....

I also called up T R U and asked about the DS pack (with Mario kart and Sonic DS) and they told me they had them back in and would sell me one..... But they had no Sonic DS in stock....... So I`d get the pack and then have too wait till they got Sonic back in store....

As for the Nintendo wi-fi conector... T R U have none of those either and have no idea if they will stock them or not anytime soon.......

"If Gods mistakes are built to last than I shall live eternal"

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