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Page 1 of Dead Rising.... So what do you think now you`ve had time to play?

Gaming and Consoles Forum

Dead Rising.... So what do you think now you`ve had time to play?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 20th September 2006, 15:43

Has moments of sheer genius, but completely spoilt by the poor mission structure and the s*** save game function. Having to work to a time limit means you can`t actually go around and have fun, because you`re constantly going from one mission to the next.

Could have been one of the best ever games... maybe they`ll save that for sequel.

I also can`t stand the stupid human characters, who spend more time getting injured/killed/standing around aimlessly, than actually following you. SO FRUSTRATING! The difficulty curve also really rises at an amazing rate, and many bosses can`t be killed without fighting them more than once. The vehicle control is pretty much s***e too.

Still, there`s many ace things about it, that save it from being mediocre, not least the enormous amount of weapons.

So, what does everyone think?

Giggity giggity!

RE: Dead Rising.... So what do you think now you`ve had time to play?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 20th September 2006, 16:07

I think its brilliant. Im really enjoying it at the moment.

To address your points:

I also can`t stand the stupid human characters, who spend more time getting injured/killed/standing around aimlessly, than actually following you

Then send them on their way. If you proactively direct them, rather than press Y to get them to follow you, the AI seems much better. Hold down R to go to look mode and press Y. This sets a waypoint wherever you were looking. Also useful for making them hide in a room while you clear out the zoms. You can also give survivors any spare weapons or food you have which makes them last a bit longer. Also, try and have a queen with you to clear a path. But even after that, yeah, they can be a ball ache ;)

The difficulty curve also really rises at an amazing rate, and many bosses can`t be killed without fighting them more than once

Try to have a super weapon when fighting bosses. Use the Katana near the coffee shop or the chainsaw the clowns drop to kill the guy in the cinema, the fat lesbian cop and anyone else who chases you around. Use the cannon off the back of the jeep to kill the gunstore guy in about 12 shots without taking a hit. If you keep a katana, chainsaw or uzi in your inventory at all times, you can pretty much muller any boss you come up against.

Having to work to a time limit means you can`t actually go around and have fun, because you`re constantly going from one mission to the next.

Well, for the first few hours of play, I ignored everything, levelled up a bit and just wandered and explored.

On my first run through I ignored all side missions in favour of the main quests. I only did the side quests when I had a bit of time between cases, which to be fair, is quite a lot in the first half of the game. I think what they were trying to get at is it being like an arcade game. You dont just play through once, you do it a number of times, playing each time differently so you are as free to just f*** around as you like, but you wont see the story. On the flip side, following the story doesnt allow for much f***ing around. And trying to do the story and the scoops allows for NO p***ing about at all!

I think the main problem is that it is so open to interpretation (do you level up before playing through for the first time? is it worth doing scoops?) that when people treat it as a traditional game of start-->play-->finish, yeah, its not much fun, as its not meant to be played that way. As they said in a press release "We have designed the game so you can get dropped off at the helipad and hide in a cupboard for 72 hours if you wanted. You wouldnt see much, but you would survive....".

Also, after a few hours of play, I got used to the save system and didnt think it was so bad. I mean, the main complaint is that there is only one save slot, but since you have persistant levelling thats the only way they could really do it.

So, yeah, im a big fan :) Aside from Oblivion, its probably my favourite game of the year. Oh, and maybe Tekken on the PSP......thats brilliant......

What im listening to (if youre interested)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 20th September 2006, 17:08

RE: Dead Rising.... So what do you think now you`ve had time to play?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 21st September 2006, 21:30

Okay, I`m starting to change my mind a little. But I was so f***ed off earlier. Twice I got absolutely arse raped by the cult, and fought my way out of their room. Collected a huge arsenal of great weapons, and then got f***ing killed by a random zombie as I made my way to a save point nearby. >:(

Giggity giggity!

RE: Dead Rising.... So what do you think now you`ve had time to play?

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 22nd September 2006, 07:08

Arse raped? :/


RE: Dead Rising.... So what do you think now you`ve had time to play?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 22nd September 2006, 08:29

Yeah thats what they do in this game. Sick isn`t it?

Giggity giggity!

RE: Dead Rising.... So what do you think now you`ve had time to play?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 22nd September 2006, 09:43

Collected a huge arsenal of great weapons, and then got f***ing killed by a random zombie as I made my way to a save point nearby.

That made me lol because I know the feeling so well and one of the reasons I think its so much fun. The zombies arent actually plot points as such, just an ever present danger that keeps you on your toes. You kill a psycho, rescue their hostages and desperately try to get back to the security room before you get chomped on. Its just one of those things that if you wade into a crowd of zombies with a sledgehammer you are usually fine, but as soon as you try to avoid them, one of the bastards always grabs you from behind and starts munching on you.

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Dead Rising.... So what do you think now you`ve had time to play?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 22nd September 2006, 09:52

Well in its favour it has that old school `one more try` thing about it.

My girlfriend balked at the site of me running past a mass of zombies and then selectively setting my sights on and slicing a zombie woman in half as she pushed around a shopping trolley.

By the way, whats the best way to kill the guys in the car, in the park, and also Cletus in the gun shop. Read that you`re supposed to stand outside the shop and gun him down from there with a sniper gun or something, but I`ve had no luck with that so far. Am I not standing far enough away?

Giggity giggity!

RE: Dead Rising.... So what do you think now you`ve had time to play?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 22nd September 2006, 10:21

The best way is to kill the guys in the jeep is to either

A) Stand a way away and snipe them (you can zoom the sniper rifle like the camera)

B) If you havent got any sniper rifles, lure them into a clump of trees because they get stuck. Try and get two handguns from the zombie cops as you exit the plaza, run into the clump of trees so the jeep gets stuck, slightly hide behind a tree and cap the gunner in the head from a slight distance. Once the gunner is dead run in and just batter the passengers to death with the sledghammer or katana. Make sure you still remain in the trees as the jeep gets stuck and cant go anywhere, thus cannot run you over.

C) After you have done this, take the gun from the back of the jeep and make your way to cletus. once the cut scene finishes just hold fire down and he dies in about a dozen shots without even getting the chance to fire back. Depending on where you are in the game, then go to the supermarket near the gun store and kill either the crazy guy with the shopping trolley or the bitch on the motorbike. The gun from the back of the jeep is good for killing 3 or 4 psychopaths if you can make it to them in time.

It also helps if you make some untouchable juice with the blender to keep the zombies off you.

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Dead Rising.... So what do you think now you`ve had time to play?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 22nd September 2006, 10:29

How do you make the untouchable juice, out of interest?

Giggity giggity!

RE: Dead Rising.... So what do you think now you`ve had time to play?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 22nd September 2006, 10:36

Either two pies or a pie and some orange juice.

What im listening to (if youre interested)

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