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Page 1 of I`ve been booted off the game reviewing team!!!

Gaming and Consoles Forum

I`ve been booted off the game reviewing team!!!

Bezzawezza (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th August 2008, 12:29

A few months back I volunteered to contribute to the myreviewer site with some games reviews. At the time I pointed out that I would not be able to contribute much as had exams and was getting married in July. Today I went to write a review for Unreal Tournament 3 and found that I no longer have access to the myreviewer forums!
So, I just want to apologise if people have been talking about my lack of contribution and publically state the reasons why.
1. Exams
2. Wedding
3. Of the 10 companies I repeatedly contacted not one of them responded, let alone provided anything for review.

RE: I`ve been booted off the game reviewing team!!!

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th August 2008, 12:58

I posted a couple of reviews. Or items. Or whatever the hell they were.

Then my wife thoughtlessly went and had a baby.

I was going to catch up with a few bits and pieces a few days ago (Ninja Gaiden 2, Rock Band, Metal Gear Solid 4 and SCIV) and found the same.

What im listening to (if youre interested)
Newly MySpaced fwiw *Updated..badly*

RE: I`ve been booted off the game reviewing team!!!

The Jackal (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th August 2008, 13:24

I have to admit I have been very slack. I contacted about 4 companies and got stuff all back. That`s about as far as I got. :/

I even spoke to the manager of our Local Asda to see if we could come to some sort of agreement to let me have games before release. I showed him the Reviewer site and everything. I think he thought I was pulling a fast one. He said he would get back to me 6 weeks ago. >:(

Sorry guys. I tried........but I failed.

The Jackal

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RE: I`ve been booted off the game reviewing team!!!

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th August 2008, 13:29

Uhm...why dont you review the games you play?

I know the main aim is to get things for free, but i thought the point of this exercise was to bulk up the catalogue and get the ball rolling.

What im listening to (if youre interested)
Newly MySpaced fwiw *Updated..badly*

RE: I`ve been booted off the game reviewing team!!!

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 8th August 2008, 15:40

about my lack of contribution and publically state the reasons why.

I don`t think you needed to publicly state why in all fairness, considering no-one even knew you were doing it apart from those behind the scenes. ;)

Should just contact RJS if you feel you`ve been unfairly blocked, though you really have to persevere with PR companies who WILL send you stuff after a while. I don`t even ask for it and get sent it, it`s about building relationships with the right people.

More to the point, review stuff of your own to build up a catalogue of reviews, as NTG said.

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RE: I`ve been booted off the game reviewing team!!!

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 9th August 2008, 03:58

Also, if it`s anything like DVD reviewing, go for titles they`re trying to promote heavily at that moment in time. Costs a lot of time and money to build up relationships with PR companies until you are well established, but even then they can still be a bit crap.

RE: I`ve been booted off the game reviewing team!!!

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 9th August 2008, 10:07

RE: Team Gamer!
posted by Robert John Shepherd on Tuesday, 13th May 2008, 12:40

I think the next step is to put up a game review so you can get an idea of how the new site all works.

RE: Team Gamer!
posted by Robert John Shepherd on Friday, 23rd May 2008, 15:14

Guys, really need to know if you are keen enough to actually give this a go, otherwise I need to find some more pips.

Not really detecting much enthusiasm atm. :/

Site Reviewer
I Hunger, Therefore, I Live!
This item was edited on horseback, 53rd and 3rd, 1975

This item was edited on Saturday, 9th August 2008, 11:10

RE: I`ve been booted off the game reviewing team!!!

Bezzawezza (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 9th August 2008, 10:08

I was going to review some of the games I had bought for myself (Unreal, NBA NK8 etc) but like I said, I had the wedding and exams on my mind so got pushed to one side. Doesn`t matter now though as its all over, nothing to see here.

RE: I`ve been booted off the game reviewing team!!!

RJS (undefined) posted this on Saturday, 9th August 2008, 12:07

If you are still interested, I can put the access back. It`s just that as Matthew quoted from the MyReviewer forum, I asked on 23rd May if any of you were still keen, no reply. The only thing that went up on the site was Haze from nickthegun before that, and his main feedback was something about it all being a bit "web 2.0" and rather negative.

I know you contacted companies, I did reply to your email asking for which ones you contact so I could help you follow them up, got no reply.

Two and a half months later, none of you had showed any interest at all in doing anything, so I just figured (as you were all active on the forums, so it`s not as if you were on holiday) none of you were interested anymore. :/


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John Prescott

RE: I`ve been booted off the game reviewing team!!!

Bezzawezza (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 9th August 2008, 14:51

I know you contacted companies, I did reply to your email asking for which ones you contact so I could help you follow them up, got no reply.

Two and a half months later, none of you had showed any interest at all in doing anything, so I just figured (as you were all active on the forums, so it`s not as if you were on holiday) none of you were interested anymore. :/

I mean this less stroppy than its going to sound but here goes.

Firstly, I did reply with the list of companies and contact addresses I had used. Not sure why you didn`t receive it sorry.
Secondly, I made it clear about my other commitments when I volunteered and stated that it would take a few months for me to start contributing.
Thirdly, replying to some comments on a forum requires less thought, time and organisation that writing a thorough review.

Matter dropped now for me.

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