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Gaming and Consoles Forum

Super Monkey Ball for Gamecube!

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 12th May 2002, 17:41

I`ve just had a go on the advanced level on the main game and got stuck. I`m on a level where you reach a circuit that is guitar shaped.

How do you get across this one? Do you have to go along the strings, if the bloody hell do you do it?

I only had a couple of go`s this morning before I went out but I`m gonna give it another go soon.

Any help appreciated.


RE: Super Monkey Ball for Gamecube!

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 12th May 2002, 20:25

No worries...I`m sorted, I had a thicko moment for a while.

My problem now is the Rogue Leader Death Star attack...I can`t get past this, I can`t seem to be able to blow the damn thing up...tie fighters keep blowing the hell out of me whilst I`m flying in the trench!!

RE: Super Monkey Ball for Gamecube!

monkey1337 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 13th May 2002, 02:20

SMB: if anyone else is still stuck, go along the base of the guitar no the strings.

RL: against the tie fighters, accelerate..then brake, they will fly past you then just shoot the middle one and they all blow up.

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