Page 1 of Well.. it`s finally here...The Aiwa Owners Network web site!!

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Well.. it`s finally here...The Aiwa Owners Network web site!!

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 3rd December 2000, 21:32

Well, it aint quite finished, with lots more to add, but it`s enough for anyone who wants to, to have a peek at!

The link is:

Lemme know what ya all think! :o)

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!

Deja Vu

IT Troll (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 3rd December 2000, 23:33

Wherever did you get your inspiration from?


RE: Deja Vu

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 4th December 2000, 01:24

Bollox ya bugger ye!!
Ye stole my ideas...even if it was BEFORE I had them!! lol`s been updated...only the guest book to get fixed now...and the comparison I asked you about Troll?

You didn`t tell me if it was ok to nick your piccys!!

(by the way...some of the pages you seen have been updated with relevant pictures..."the Region Hack" for example!

Time for a plug:

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Deja Vu

Steve1977 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 4th December 2000, 18:40

The Aiwa does indeed rock! Superb picture, superb sound.

RE: Deja Vu

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Monday, 4th December 2000, 18:53

Jimbo I have added your link to my site.
I tell yer that:P


RE: Deja Vu

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 4th December 2000, 21:07

And I just emailed ya Dukey...your site is down!

Fix it!! NOW!!

Inform the waiting masses on the glory of the Aiwa!!!

(oh oh...I think I`m getting a "Christ Complex" coming on! lol)

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!!!!
Now who put that link there? ::grin::

This item was edited on Monday, 4th December 2000, 21:09

Look & Feel

IT Troll (Competent) posted this on Monday, 4th December 2000, 21:43

I know they say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but now your really taking the biscuit Jimbo. If Apple can do it to Microsoft then surely I can do it to you, look and feel is everything, see you in court! ;-)

> You didn`t tell me if it was ok to nick your piccys!!

Must of missed that one - not in any emails. Anyways, you don`t need to now, surfers can just do a direct site to site comparisson now.

See two can play that game.

Also, I have a great idea for a new section entitled "Competitions" (© IT Troll 2000). The first of which will be "Spot The Difference" with a link to a certain site. What do you think. . . . . ?


RE: Look & Feel

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 4th December 2000, 22:21


I think it`s time to make a stand here....firstly the site`s are NOT the same..or close! the only similarity is the fact that we both used diff pages for each item!

Have you a guestbook in development?
Are you gonna have software AND hardware reviews?
Are you gonna expand into other electrical areas?

NO? I hear NO?
Anyways... talking of the copyright thing...where was it in yer site then? :oÞ
(it`s embedded in a few places in mine....look carefully!)

And I do remember that someone said they had no plans to further their LG site...remember my offer of "Anything I can get for ya from the LG rep"????

AND I GAVE YOU A LINK!!!!! (::sniff::... all that effort.. wasted::)


Allright...time to put it to the vote in a new thread.....

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Look & Feel

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th December 2000, 00:39

Plusnet Have been having trouble with their web servers so it`s down for a short while:(

PLUSNET = Mincers!


RE: Look & Feel

Carrot Cruncher (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 5th December 2000, 01:20

PLUSNET = Good Taste

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