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A quick question about Israel

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 21st September 2002, 00:06

I don`t mean to be arguementative or antagonistic, but ignoring the history of the region (for the purpose of this thread, and for no other reason, please adhere to this) since the `ceasefire` can anyone recall a period of hostility in this region that wasn`t started by a Palestinian extremist, acting with or without consent or knowledge of the leader of the PLO, killing him/herself along with a bunch of Israelites, as a protest against any peace process?

I just want a one word answer, if you have a statement to make, please start another thread, and link it to this one, if you wish.

Thank you

RE: A quick question about Israel

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 21st September 2002, 00:17

Yes. Loads. (sorry about the 2 word answer)`s all chicken and egg stuff cannot think about this away from the historical context.

This item was edited on Saturday, 21st September 2002, 00:26

RE: A quick question about Israel

ebony.branch (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 21st September 2002, 00:17

No. But that`s just based on what I`ve seen in the news. Who knows what goes on un-reported.

This item was edited on Saturday, 21st September 2002, 00:19

RE: A quick question about Israel

Mike Mclaughlin (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 21st September 2002, 00:21

So you want a one-word answer, entirely detached from historical context?

How about a no-word answer.


RE: A quick question about Israel

Mad Spoon, Me I am 25% I am (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 21st September 2002, 00:40

Define "Hostility"

RE: A quick question about Israel

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 21st September 2002, 00:48

Sorry for being pedantic but there have been many "Ceasefires".
To try and answer the question though how about these two words.
Both refugee camps I think.Both apparently levelled by the IDF. I would assume that would make anyone slightly miffed!!! to the point that they would be willing to exact retribution or revenge on the attackers.I can`t quite remember the website I logged onto but there were some pretty disturbing pictures from the camps"Allegedly".
JMHO folks

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