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SHOCK! HORROR! cheesy Star Wars tops best trilogy poll

AlwaysDoubleDown (Competent) posted this on Friday, 6th December 2002, 00:33

Dear God

WHAT HAS GEORGE LUCAS DONE TO YOU PEOPLE???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

RE: SHOCK! HORROR! cheesy Star Wars tops best trilogy poll

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th December 2002, 02:53

Created three of the most endearing, enduring and entertaining films of all time? So what if the prequels aren`t as good as the original trilogy? It doesn`t detract from the greatness of the first three.

Personally I voted for the Godfather films, simply because I`ve only recently discovered how amazing they are. I can even stand part three!

What I found most shocking is how people are voting a trilogy that`s not even been seen in its entirety into second place.

RE: SHOCK! HORROR! cheesy Star Wars tops best trilogy poll

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th December 2002, 09:55

Its not *that* shocking.

Look at politics, people voted for Tony Blair not realising what he stood for... :D

RE: SHOCK! HORROR! cheesy Star Wars tops best trilogy poll

Deano! (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th December 2002, 10:46

I agree with Chris really. How can people vote for a trilogy thats not even been seen by anyone?

Part 1 was good, I would "guess" that the other 2 will be good. But you cant vote for them before you see them! I think people are so blinded that theyre desperate for them to be "as good as the book", that theyre just voting for it.

I`ll pish meself laughing if part 3 is a steaming pile of turd and disappoints everyone who`s voted for it!!!

RE: SHOCK! HORROR! cheesy Star Wars tops best trilogy poll

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th December 2002, 11:41

I think most people took episodes IV V and VI as the trilogy. Episode 3 has not yet been made.

Lord of the rings likewise, no ones seen the next 2 movies. How can u
vote for it. Sure the books are good but the movies might turn out to be
crap although that is highly unlikely.
All that said, the Harry Potter series is also making a great translation onto film.
While we`re at it, u could have also had matrix in the list but again no ones seen the next 2.

RE: SHOCK! HORROR! cheesy Star Wars tops best trilogy poll

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 6th December 2002, 12:50

>I think most people took episodes IV V and VI as the trilogy. Episode 3 >has not yet been made

dicanio, I think they were talking about Lord of the Rings anyway.

RE: SHOCK! HORROR! cheesy Star Wars tops best trilogy poll

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th December 2002, 14:07

This convo has been done in the other thread, without the ridiculous "?????????????????????.." aswell.

RE: SHOCK! HORROR! cheesy Star Wars tops best trilogy poll

chewie (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th December 2002, 19:39

Well, I voted for Star Wars, and damn proud of it too. Sure, LOTR, Evil Dead, BTTF, Godfather and Indy are all good Trilogies, but no where near as good as Star Wars. As for the Ring trilogy, the first was good, second ok, and the third downright pish.

And the Star Wars prequels aren`t the anti-christs of film. Ok, Episode One had a lot of problems, but it was a good kids movie. AOTC is just a terrific movie, and if you get too bogged down in the poor dialogue, then you are missing the point completely.

RE: SHOCK! HORROR! cheesy Star Wars tops best trilogy poll

andyrh68 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 6th December 2002, 22:16

Star Wars did get my vote too - pre `special` edition bastardisation that is of course.

RE: SHOCK! HORROR! cheesy Star Wars tops best trilogy poll

Mike Mclaughlin (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 7th December 2002, 01:05

Whereas any `favourite trilogy` pole will automatically be redundant because `Star Wars` will ALWAYS win, it`s hard to argue with something that people will swear to their dying day is great cinema.

Even though they`re wrong.


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