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Page 1 of What did you think of THE TWO TOWERS then?

General Forum

What did you think of THE TWO TOWERS then?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th December 2002, 19:39

I liked it a lot, but its not as good as FOTR. It was well paced considering that not too much happens, other than lots of talk about a war and other such stuff. To me, TTT lacked the dread and fear the first set up so well. So tonight man might fall. Oh dear.

But still, I`m away to see it again this weekend and is one of the best films this year.

RE: What did you think of THE TWO TOWERS then?

Wedge G (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 00:28

I thought it was brilliant.

Film of the year for me, but was anything else ever gonna come close?

There was more comedy than the first which I was surprised at considering the dark themes the story includes. Its better than FOTR in some ways, but worse in others. A couple of dodgy effects shots (Legolas grabbing the horse at the start of the Warg scene sticks out), but apart from that brilliant. The Ents were well done, but the star of the show was Gollum/Smeegle - so funny, yet so dark

IMHO, Just as good as FOTR, if not better

RE: What did you think of THE TWO TOWERS then?

Jason Bagnall (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 02:04

I`m curious - was the T3 trailer attached?

RE: What did you think of THE TWO TOWERS then?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 03:58

I wonder if all of those people who recently proclaimed the LOTR trilogy the best trilogy of all (without seeing parts two and three) will reconsider after seeing TTT? It`s not as good as the first one; even my LOTR loving girlfriend reckons that.

RE: What did you think of THE TWO TOWERS then?

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 07:12

Crikey...not as good as the first one, eh! I actually thought FOTR (in my opinion) was one of the most over-rated cinema releases since I can remember. But, I was prepared to have an open mind and see if part two would redeem it, but hearing this news (as well as other reports) I don`t think I`ll bother. Then again, I may enjoy it more than the first one...if I can get to see it wothout forking out any cash then I`ll give it a go!


RE: What did you think of THE TWO TOWERS then?

Saruman (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 09:01

Im my opinion, the Two Towers is not better than Fellowship....but then again its no worse either.

It was a Fantastic film, and like another person above, I thought it was one of the top 5 films I have seen this year.

The CGI work on Gollum/Smeagol was incredible, i totally forgot that he was an effect. Very good work.

Excellent. I wouldn`t hestitate in recommending the film.

RE: What did you think of THE TWO TOWERS then?

movie_buff (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 09:04

anything that has jokes about dwarf tossing is funny IMO.
But I think people went into FOTR with an open mind, but due to it`s success people now expect more, a victim of FOTR success. IT IS JUST AS GOOD WITH MORE ACTION.
It`s crazy, people were complaining that FOTR needed more action & now that P.Jackson has delivered they want more progress in the story.
This is just the middle of the BIG film!!!

This item was edited on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 09:12

RE: What did you think of THE TWO TOWERS then?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 10:02

Can`t say that`s entirely true in my case. I liked FOTR, but I do think it`s overrated. I found TTT to be slightly disjointed, but it`s not a bad film. Then again, I don`t think it`s the masterpiece that soem will no doubt hail it as.

I actually preferred FOTR because it had more "acting" in it. The scenes between Gandalf and Bilbo were excellent, and I enjoyed a lot of the protracted dialogue. The humour in TTT was far more evident, and it seems almost like they decided to include more to combat the darker nature of the film. Gimli was good comic relief, espcially the aforementioned dwarf tossing lines etc. Mind you, I blinked and missed Liv Tyler this time around.

RE: What did you think of THE TWO TOWERS then?

Gaz Kitch (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 12:54

I thought it was a great film .....the CGI didn`t look too out of place (Golum was amazing!). Gimli was quite funny in places.

Well done Jacko ....Lucas ....the "Marker" has been set ....get your finger out!

RE: What did you think of THE TWO TOWERS then?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 18:10

Who is going to see this again?

I know I`m going again on Friday, but I doubt I`ll want to see it five times, which is how many times I saw AOTC.

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