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Forget Donnie Darko- The best horror thriller ever is The Ring (Japan)

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th January 2003, 14:16

OMG!!!!!!! What a film, it had everything Blair Witch promised to deliver but didn`t. It wasn`t jumpy and never gave you any false jumps, it was all psychological fear which is rare in american horror films.

The way the plot is slowly unraveled is brillent, and you think you know the punchline, when all of a sudden that idea is pulled right from under you and it just smacks you in the face with the true punchline.



As it is dubbed the ring cycle, I thought the title meant it was like a vicious circle (ring), where a cause produces an effect which itself produces or intensifies the original cause. So when a person has watched it they would have to copy it and get someone else to watch it, so the curse is lifted, and then that other person has to do the same and so on and so on.

But the americans think title means that once you`ve watched it the phone rings to tell you of your impending doom- hence the title.

What do you think?


This item was edited on Tuesday, 14th January 2003, 14:17

RE: Forget Donnie Darko- The best horror thriller ever is The Ring (Japan)

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th January 2003, 14:25

have you seen Gore Verbinskis version?... because it`s very good... and its got nothing to do with the phone ringing.. in fact thats a UK term..

RE: Forget Donnie Darko- The best horror thriller ever is The Ring (Japan)

chewie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th January 2003, 14:26

"But the americans think title means that once you`ve watched it the phone rings to tell you of your impending doom- hence the title."

Thats great!
I never thought of it that way before. Are the Americans really that dumb???

True, The Ring is brilliant. I haven`t seen the American version, but I heard its a good remake. It will still be dumbed down though. Japan seems to have its graspe of horror at the moment.

But don`t talk down to Donnie Darko, or the psycho bunny rabbit will get you.

RE: Forget Donnie Darko- The best horror thriller ever is The Ring (Japan)

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 14th January 2003, 14:40

I think the thing that makes some Japanese horror so unnerving in comparison to US (and British for that matter) stuff, is that the cultural differences really do make it very difficult to predict what is going to happen next.

RE: Forget Donnie Darko- The best horror thriller ever is The Ring (Japan)

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th January 2003, 14:43

The US version of the Ring is rated PG over in America, so don`t get your hopes up.

Psycho bunny rabbit is pants compaired to Sadako who can kill people just by fear.

And I certanly s*** my pants when she crawled out of the television set lol


RE: Forget Donnie Darko- The best horror thriller ever is The Ring (Japan)

mavrik (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 14th January 2003, 16:20

Yeah me too!! I watched it for the first time on FilmFour, they showed it as part of a free weekend, and I watched it alone in the house, in the dark, and I could hardly bring myslef to look at my TV or video for days!

In the US remake, in some scenes, apparently there are actual `ring` shaped objects which sort of forewarn the viewer or the victim (the report I received was a little garbled). It sounds crap to be honest, although I`ll still go and see it!

RE: Forget Donnie Darko- The best horror thriller ever is The Ring (Japan)

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th January 2003, 17:37

its good but come on it aint that good.

The Thing stomps it big time.

RE: Forget Donnie Darko- The best horror thriller ever is The Ring (Japan)

killergoldfish (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 14th January 2003, 18:01

Well said Ironduke...I totally agree. I was extremely disappointed with Ring...after all the hype I was expecting a classic but I had trouble keeping awake. Perhaps some scare easier than others but I`ve been more frightened watching Goosebumps.

I`m hoping the remake does a better job. But, each to their own...different strokes, eh!

RE: Forget Donnie Darko- The best horror thriller ever is The Ring (Japan)

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 14th January 2003, 20:02

>I was extremely disappointed with Ring.<
Me too! Its been incredibly over-rated. Very very boring to watch.

I>`m hoping the remake does a better job.<
It does; the US version is much much better. I can`t see how it can be PG(-13) because its far scarier than the Japanese version. It gets rid of the parts of the Japanese version that made it ridiculous (and hilarious), like everyone being pyschics etc. The US version has some great scenes (the horse on the ferry, the father of the killer child) and although there are a couple of plot holes this is a far more watchable version.

>In the US remake, in some scenes, apparently there are actual `ring` shaped objects which sort of forewarn the viewer or the victim<
Complete rubbish! Nothing of the sort, in fact the title of the film is used far more effectively, and there are no kind of forewarnings.

>And I certanly s*** my pants when she crawled out of the television set<
Watch the US version then, the ending is much better!

Why, just because its from the US, is it going to dumbed down? I hate the way that people seem to think "Hollywood = Rubbish", its completely unnecessary. Verbinski has made a sterling effort on this version, and I prefer it far more - the ending is brilliantly done. The first time you see the murdered victim in the closet scares you more than any part of the Japanese version (the dead people look ridiculous in it for a start!).
Seriously, see the US version, I can`t recommend it more.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 14th January 2003, 20:07

RE: Forget Donnie Darko- The best horror thriller ever is The Ring (Japan)

Rawshark (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 14th January 2003, 20:12

silly film with a silly plot in my opinion
i found nothing ominous or even remotely interesting in this sillyness
gimme frank the rabbit anytime :)

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