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Page 1 of No, it`s alright I`ve just got something in my eye...

General Forum

No, it`s alright I`ve just got something in my eye...

Strangerer (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th January 2003, 20:12

What films have reduced you to a blubbering mess?
From a single tear to full blown "nancy boy" crying.
I have a little weep at the end of `Saving Private Ryan" when old geezer Private Ryan tries to justify his rescue by asking his wife has he had a good life.
C`mon don`t be shy pour out those feelings.

This item was edited on Thursday, 30th January 2003, 20:16

RE: No, it`s alright I`ve just got something in my eye...

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th January 2003, 22:43

I agree with Saving Private Ryan.

Also Forrest Gump when he first meets his son and asks whether he`s smart, I always go to pieces at that point.

Can`t think of any more at the moment, but I`m sure there are plenty as I`m a bit of softie when it comes to emotional films :o(

RE: No, it`s alright I`ve just got something in my eye...

movie_buff (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th January 2003, 23:28

As a true Scot, I have to say the end of Braveheart

RE: No, it`s alright I`ve just got something in my eye...

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Friday, 31st January 2003, 00:01

Most recent one I can think of would be `Fellowship of the Ring`

After Gandalf`s "death"
Boromir`s death scene
Sam and Frodo in the boat at the end.

RE: No, it`s alright I`ve just got something in my eye...

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 31st January 2003, 00:04

Monster`s Inc (....kitty?) and I`m a bloody mess

Shallow Hal, when he realises all the kids are in the burns unit.


RE: No, it`s alright I`ve just got something in my eye...

Neoredpill (Competent) posted this on Friday, 31st January 2003, 00:07

Ok its not a film but i cried when scott & charlene married on neighbours lol. Probably because i was in love with kylie, even in her dirty dungarees and without the lovely bottom that magically appeared a couple of years ago !

RE: No, it`s alright I`ve just got something in my eye...

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 31st January 2003, 00:10

The ending of E.T. still does me in, as does the end of Gladiator

Oh what a sensitive bunch we are ;)

RE: No, it`s alright I`ve just got something in my eye...

crispy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 31st January 2003, 00:14

What about The Green Mile and Dancer In The Dark...both brutal commentaries on capital punishment but each wildly different, with an ability to reduce you to a gibbering wreck. Not films I`m sure I could revisit.

Best viewed with the lights down low...`me, crying? No love, but don`t let it stop you`...

RE: No, it`s alright I`ve just got something in my eye...

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Friday, 31st January 2003, 00:23

"You fought for Wallace... Now Fight for me".....

oh.. and ET

RE: No, it`s alright I`ve just got something in my eye...

crast (Competent) posted this on Friday, 31st January 2003, 03:46

`I`m Dying Forrest`.....and I`m gone, the rest of the movie is a blobbering blur, when he meets his son...I`m off again then the `You died on a`...floods.
`Champ don`t die` every time,crap film but still howl.
Green Mile, I have yet to meet anyone who hasn`t cried at that!
Deep Impact when they are saying goodbye to their families does it for me as does the end of A.I., yes A.I. and of course the end of Beaches.

There are loads more that I have howled at but I think that`s enough for now - getting choked here.


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