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Lost my rag in Choices!

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Monday, 25th August 2003, 10:38

Last night went with my mate to get a vid for us all to watch from Choices. With it being a bank holiday weekend it was quite busy. We picked a vid and got in the queue. There were two people behind the counter. One guy was seeing to a bloke who wanted to become a member, this bloke had already let a few people jump in front so I just stood and waited. The other member of staff was booking DVDs and videos back in. I stood there as the queue got longer.

The guy that was serving turned to his mate and said "can you just serve for a minute?"

The bloke carried on, so I said, "instead of doing that can you serve?"

He looked up gave me a mega dirty look, carried on with what he was doing and without even looking at me said in the rudest, most abrupt tone you can imagine "In a minute!"

"Excuse me?" I said, slightly shocked.

He repeated the above even ruder than before and I enquired who he thought he was, speaking to customers like that. He then asked could I not see how busy he was. At this point his tone and attitude wound me right up. I lost my rag and said something like "Stop messing about with those and f***ing serve me like you`ve been asked!"

I know I shouldn't have sworn and at that point I lost the argument, but this guy had a major attitude problem. He then went off on one saying "do you mind not swearing at me." I explained that the reason I had swore was because he had been asked by his colleague and myself very politely to serve and all I had got back was attitude. He took the vid off me and put it back on the shelf. So I fetched it again and waited for his mate to serve me. Then someone else went up to him and asked for a DVD he politely said "Just one moment," then stopped what he was doing and carried on with what he was doing.

I have worked in pubs, restaurants, shops, a casino and supermarkets. If I ever spoke to anyone the way he did I would have been sacked on the spot. Whether I am working or not I am always extremely polite and expect the same from other people, especially those who are meant to be working in the services industry.

I know it was wrong of me to swear, but I could not believe the attitude this guy had.


RE: Lost my rag in Choices!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 25th August 2003, 11:53

There is nothing more infuriating than poor service. I`ve voted with my feet a few times due to the indifferent service, dumping my products on the counter and storming out in a hissy fit saying in a very loud voice "think I`ll go somewhere where you get good customer service" and then mumbling to myself for about five minutes after.

In the end, you`re the one who`s made to feel stupid, but rest assured with me, if I get a hint of crap customer service, they`ll never get my trade again...

DVD Reviewer

Webmaster of Area 450 - independent Sampo DVD site

RE: Lost my rag in Choices!

andychamb (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 25th August 2003, 11:58

I saw a poster once that read:-

"Smile and the world smiles with you, snarl and you get better service."


RE: Lost my rag in Choices!

RWB (Elite) posted this on Monday, 25th August 2003, 12:15

How about complaining direct to that Choices store about the guy? Perhaps it will make you feel better if he gets never know, if they agree you got poor service, you may get a free rental out of them (not the point I know, but hey, a bonus).

Rik Booth
My DVD Profiler Collection
My YMDb Top 20 Films

RE: Lost my rag in Choices!

sonylover (Elite) posted this on Monday, 25th August 2003, 12:33

Slightly off the track i know, but i complained in Pizza Hut about the length of time it was taking for my daughter to get her kiddy meal ,both the wife & I were already half way through our meal, so i had a word with the waitress, told me how sorry they where for the delay and we got the meal and drinks for free :) So sometimes it does pay to moan, and yes i would contact Choice head office and moan like crazy and if you feel that you aren`t getting anywhere keep on at them until you do :D

RE: Lost my rag in Choices!

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Monday, 25th August 2003, 12:35

Can`t really complain cos I swore at him, which I shouldn`t have done. No matter how rude he was I should`t have swore, so we were both in the wrong and looks like he gets away with it this time. His mate might have a word with him, you never know.

His mate said to me after, with a smile on his face, "you sholdn`t have been that nasty." I just said I wouldn`t have been if he hadn`t gotten really arsey with me.


This item was edited on Monday, 25th August 2003, 19:09

RE: Lost my rag in Choices!

mattwhite1 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 25th August 2003, 13:01

Working in customer services and having written a dissertation about it for my degree it really p***es me off when I get poor service and yes, I will complain about it and the person involved.

Only last week I complained to Sky about a rude and ignorant engineer who wanted to charge me £40.00 for a 2m length of phone wire and fitting. I said that while he was putting the dish up I would fit it myself with the lead and cable nails that I already had in rather than pay for it, he just said that was against the rules.

He also kept leaving my doors open (my missus has 4 pedigree cats that dont go outside) even when asked to shut them and being given a reason to do so. he then tried to blackmail me by saying that if I didnt accept the charge then I would have to wait a month for the next available callout.

I contacted Sky immediately, they promised to investigate, arranged another visit for the next day and gave me a £38.00 credit on my account. Cannot fault that.

Better to die fighting for freedom than to be a prisoner all the days of your life

RE: Lost my rag in Choices!

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 25th August 2003, 20:31

Yep there is nothing worse than poor customer service.

Last night me and the missus stayed in the Holiday Inn Express in Wembley.

1)The telephone manners absolutely disgusted me.

2)I joined the `priority` club (some free loyalty bonus thing) when i booked it online. This meant that i could checkout at 2pm as apposed to 11am. Between 12 and 1 that afternoon i had THREE members of staff asking why i hadnt checked out.

one woman knocked on the door - waking me and my wife up asking what time i was checking out.

One woman phoned the room and asked what time i was checking out.

One woman had the nerve to actually open the door whilst my wife and i were sleeping,
she ducked her head in and asked what time we were checking out. - I couldnt believe it!

3) they charged me 55p for a dash of lemonade in my beer.

I will be writing a very strongly worded letter and request they get some tips from the Hilton - whose customer service i can never fault...........


RE: Lost my rag in Choices!

Ailegs (Elite) posted this on Monday, 25th August 2003, 22:17

I lost my rag via email with mean fiddler although they have not acknowledged any of my emails to date.
I went to the Leeds festival which was thoroughly excellent but had to leave a day early as my legs were so bad and maybe I will be signed off work due to the severity of my injuries. :(
Below is a copy of an email I sent to them a few days ago and at present i have got the BBC watchdog team looking into it. So beware mean fiddler!!

To whom it may concern,
I am a 26 yr old disabled man with two artificial legs who has never been to a festival before as I have often been put off with the injuries that I am likely to sustain.
Due to the vast amount of walking and standing that I will have to endure during the weekend I will require the need to use my wheelchair at times over the 3 days. I will also need to have a tent situated not too far from the main arenas if this is possible?
My partner has sent an email to you just over a couple of weeks back and she did not recieve a reply which could of been excused but then we get our tickets and decide to ring the information hotline for disabled access. We get a reply that there is just too many disabled people coming and that there is nothing that can be done for us, which I think is appalling!!
When ordering our tickets I do not recall any additional information required pursuing the fact of whether or not the person or persons coming were disadvantaged or suffering with any disabilities!
Surely you must be able to allocate extra disabled access to meet the demand as the people who are coming to the festival should be coming whether they have been given a disabled pass or not! What I am saying is, you still will have the same amount of disabled visitors.
Many of these who are likely to have their weekends ruined by having to struggle through bumby fields in their wheelchairs over long distaces possibly where tents are so tightly grouped together that they wont even be able to gain access to their own tent! Now If mean fiddler are unable to help, I`m sure that many of included will have to refer to the Disability Discrimination Act! This must be against our rights as human beings that we spend this much money on a festival and the promoter whose duty it is to provide suitable access has not been resposible enough to do so. Also the attitude of staff saying that "there is just too many disabled people!" will not do!
I do hope that you are able to accomodate the army of genuinely disabled people like myself who have right to be able to enjoy themselves too.

Our tickets are as follows:


Tickets: xxxxxxxxx to xxxxxxxxxx

We shall be attending the Leeds festival.
I do hope to expect a reply and please feel free to telephone us on: 123456789.

I really would like to have this resolved before we set off for the festival and do not wish to pursue this any further if it can be avoided.

Thank you

Mr G xxxxxxxxxxx.

Please note that I and my partner are both full paying weekend stayers and did not take you up on your generous offer of a free ticket for a carer, which I`m sure I would also of been entitled for.

What you guys think?


RE: Lost my rag in Choices!

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 26th August 2003, 08:35

My partner and I went to a chinese the other day to see how it had changed since it had been taken over, and walked out after ten minutes having not ordered anything yet. The waitress didn`t smile once, chucked stuff on the table and was just generally a snotty cow. We went down the road to another restaurant and spent our money in there instead.

The disabled thing at leeds festival is really mean, they should have replied to your first e-mail, and should definately (spelling?) have sorted it out before you arrived. The way you were treated was disgusting.

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