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You know...I think the WEA did a fantastic job this summer!!!

GregWW (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 17th September 2003, 22:30

I have seen one...yes ONE, Wasp this summer...f***in` unbelievable, job well done chaps.

RE: You know...I think the WEA did a fantastic job this summer!!!

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 17th September 2003, 22:40

well, as Mr Wolf says..."Let`s not start sucking each others` dicks quite yet"`s got warm again all of a sudden, and as we know, the little yellow stripey buggers can strike at any time.

RE: You know...I think the WEA did a fantastic job this summer!!!

mattski (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 17th September 2003, 23:06

well i`ve just moved back to my house in cardiff ready for the next year at uni and i was wondering what a strange clicking noise was coming from the corner of my room. went outside and looked up and what did i see? yep, loads of wasps flying in behind the drains just outside my room where their NEST is :o

well, it will be cold soon and then they will all disappear. but until then i can only have my window open for a few minutes at a time until the yellow hyper-demons come and have an investigation...*sigh*

This item was edited on Thursday, 18th September 2003, 00:06

RE: You know...I think the WEA did a fantastic job this summer!!!

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th September 2003, 10:01

Yes, we put that there matt.

You`re 4 months behind with your wasp tax!

Hand Grenades aren`t cheap you know!

Let this be a warning to you all!

Don`t be a fool!
Pay your wasp tax!

(we break legs)

My DVD`s

This item was edited on Thursday, 18th September 2003, 11:02

RE: You know...I think the WEA did a fantastic job this summer!!!

mattski (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 18th September 2003, 12:15

damn, i was wondering what that stripy black and yellow bill was ;)

and as to hand grenades whilst i like the idea i think that my fellow housemates may not be quite so enthusiastic about me blowing up half of the house! in fact, one of them said `wow, nice to see that we are finally getting some nature in the garden`. i was, as you can imagine, quite literally speechless!!!

RE: You know...I think the WEA did a fantastic job this summer!!!

Pistol (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 18th September 2003, 13:36

Matt, I am a bit worried about your housemate. I can understand that some members of the general public are uneducated about the Wasp threat, and we should take appropriate steps to correct the thinking of these unfortunate individuals.

In this case, I think wrapping your housemate and the wasps nest in a roll of carpet and beating it with baseball bats would do the trick.

RE: You know...I think the WEA did a fantastic job this summer!!!

Jonpy (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 18th September 2003, 15:21

Watch out, it`s around this time of year that the queen `feels the need`, which results in every last drone wasp being locked out of the nest, leaving them to buzz around aimlessly, starving to death and looking like they`re totally stoned.

You`ll probably start seeing one drunkenly walking across your carpet looking for a place to die any day now.

Be sure to give it a hand.


RE: You know...I think the WEA did a fantastic job this summer!!!

mavrik (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 18th September 2003, 22:07

RE: You know...I think the WEA did a fantastic job this summer!!!

mattski (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th September 2003, 11:14

its nice to know that i have found a thread with people that i can really relate to! :)

RE: You know...I think the WEA did a fantastic job this summer!!!

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 20th September 2003, 13:31

I didn`t see a wasp all summer, but then last week one attcked me when I was putting out the washing, it buzzed right in my ear.

When I was little I got a massive bee tangled in my hair and had to run all the way up the huge school field, and then wait for ages in the medical room for a teacher to remove the rather annoyed thing from my hair. :( I am still rather nervous of anythng like that getting too close to my hair, and usually now keep it short or tied back.

Do the WEA sell hair protectors, coz I am allergic to insect reppelent sprays?

If not, there is an opening in the market for you, I can`t be the only one this has happened to!!!

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