Page 1 of George Lucas Has Gone Mad (maybe a spoiler)

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George Lucas Has Gone Mad (maybe a spoiler)

misterpol (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd October 2003, 10:11

This is up at AICN

"Just a quicky for animator friend at ILM tells me that in Star Wars Episode 3, he`s working on a scene where C3PO donates his leg and other body parts to his maker, after Anakin has a brutal limb-busting fight with Count Dooku. "

Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: George Lucas Has Gone Mad (maybe a spoiler)

Tubs74 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd October 2003, 11:05

Lucas lost the plot when he went back and changed the orginal Star Wars.

Lucas seems to be of the school of "Because we can". I can imagine a conversation like this

"Hey George, we`ve made this neat feature with these giant animals"
"Wow, thats cool, how can we write it into the film"
"Well, lets have Count Doku executing Obi Wan, Amidala and Anakin but instead of putting a blaster to their heads, lets tie them up against a pillar and have wild animals running at them"
"Yea, thats cool"

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RE: George Lucas Has Gone Mad (maybe a spoiler)

chewie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd October 2003, 14:45

"Well, lets have Count Doku executing Obi Wan, Amidala and Anakin but instead of putting a blaster to their heads, lets tie them up against a pillar and have wild animals running at them"

Hmmmm... I think you missed the point if that is the first (and most prominent) example you can come up with. First things first, this is a movie and movies need imagination (something I think you lack, judging by your post). Also, the Geonosians like to watch people/aliens being slaughtered by animals, which is a less than subtle reference to the Romans and their Gladiator sports.

I`m glad you don`t make films, otherwise the cinemas would be empty ;)

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RE: George Lucas Has Gone Mad (maybe a spoiler)

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd October 2003, 16:00

When Episode III comes out the cinemas WILL be empty ;)

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RE: George Lucas Has Gone Mad (maybe a spoiler)

Tubs74 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd October 2003, 16:26

> Also, the Geonosians like to watch people/aliens being slaughtered by animals, which
> is a less than subtle reference to the Romans and their Gladiator sports.

Except that "Major Criminals" or "Social Agitators" or "Sons of Gods" were crucified and minor criminals were put in the games.

I can imagine many things, but I don`t have the finance to make them into s*** movies.

Being able to recognise a poor movie, with poor dialog, mostly crap acting and an over reliance on CGI doesn`t make me unimaginitive.

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RE: George Lucas Has Gone Mad (maybe a spoiler)

GregWW (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd October 2003, 17:11

I`m with Chewie on this one...

I very rarely do not enjoy a movie on any level. Sure Episodes 1 & 2 had their failings and perhaps they don`t live up to the hype and their predecessors, but despite this, they were enjoyable popcorn movies that expanded on the Universe "most people" beleived they already understood with the original trilogy.

If you have any imagination at all (which most kids/young adults these days don`t seem to have) then you would appreciate what Lucas is trying to achieve (appart from many more millions). I watch the Original Trilogy these days and realise that they were made for the kids of the seventies. Those of you who hold the original trilogy dear (as I do) but hate the new ones (as I don`t) are thinking like adults now. I wonder what you would think if Star Wars (as it originally was) was released in 1999 (we would have only just had Empire by now). I doubt whether a sequal would even have been made because it would have bombed at the box office when compared to many `modern` films. He is not only catering for YOU with the new ones, he is trying to introduce a new generation, who expect different things than we did from their movies. You need to `think outside the box` or in other words have an imagination to appreciate the new films.

The same sort of argument could be said for the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, just because it`s not a modern setting, you don`t understand`s set in 1899, didn`t you lot realise that most of the `gadgets` and vehicles used weren`t invented until years after...imagination people, thats the key!

RE: George Lucas Has Gone Mad (maybe a spoiler)

Oscar Wallace (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd October 2003, 20:48

In other words have an imagination to appreciate the new films.

Ok I will imagine that the acting and story weren`t crap!


RE: George Lucas Has Gone Mad (maybe a spoiler)

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd October 2003, 21:50

I`ve enjoyed loads of kids` films and I possess a good imagination. This business of blaming the audience for not enjoying these films seems a bit creepy, to me. You`re not some sort of a rabid Fundamentalist Jedi, are you? ;)

RE: George Lucas Has Gone Mad (maybe a spoiler)

chewie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd October 2003, 22:57

I`m not saying you have to like them or not, only that Craig pointed out something which I thought was rather strange. It was basically a "Bond" scenario, and he was criticising Attack Of The Clones almost because "it wasn`t realistic". GregWW knows exactly what I meant, and he explained it better.

I`m a huge Star Wars fan, so my opinion may be slightly biased (although many Star Wars fans hate the prequels with passion). I like Episode 1, even if it is flawed. I love AOTC, and believe it to be every bit as good as the Original Trilogy. Sure, it`s not as good as A New Hope or Empire Strikes Back, but it is f*cking great all the same.

blaming the audience for not enjoying these films seems a bit creepy

I`m not blaming anyone. But I just found it strange for someone to pick fault with a scene in a Star Wars film that they wouldn`t have faulted in any other film. If Count Dooku put a blaster to Anakin, Padme and Obi Wan`s head, how would they escape? And if you actually pay attention to the film then you would probably know why Count Dooku doesn`t execute them... it`s the Geonosians who try to execute them (for "espionage"). Dooku tried to look like he had nothing to do with it and was posing as a "retired" Jedi leading a Separist movement against the Republic. Only at the end when he reveals his Dark Side powers to Anakin & Obi Wan do we know that he is really a true bad guy. And then we find out at the very end that he is only posing as leader of the Separists to start a war and commission the clone army so that the Empire can be born and Palpatine/Sidious can become Emperor ;)

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: George Lucas Has Gone Mad (maybe a spoiler)

Tubs74 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 24th October 2003, 12:47

My main beef is that whole scene only seems to be in there because someone thought it would be "neat" to have "giant animals battling our heros", but it just doesn`t make sense within the universe - at least it doesn`t seem internally consistant.

Dooku may have been acting as a "peace broker" but he was the one in control, and he isn`t stupid.

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