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Soham Murder Trial

spartacus (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th November 2003, 14:10

Remember that this is an ongoing court case and be careful with any comments.

My point here is that - can the media not reach a general agreement between themselves, that mean that they do not video/picture the parents on their journey to court. This must be a particularly harrowing time for them and to face a posse of press each day must be awful.


RE: Soham Murder Trial

Tubs74 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th November 2003, 14:22

It sells papers.

If there wasn`t a demand for this, then they wouldn`t do it.

This space for sale

. <--- Except this bit, its mine.

RE: Soham Murder Trial

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 5th November 2003, 18:38

A lot of the time, those irritating morons haranguing the mourning relatives are freelance photographers, and as such gain their wages through taking the best pics, and aren`t governed by a `Boss` or `company ethics`.

RE: Soham Murder Trial

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th November 2003, 18:46

Of course, the `Boss` who authorises the purchase of these intrusive, voyeuristic, squalid pics isn`t in any way accountable for his/her own lack of `ethics`, is s/he?

RE: Soham Murder Trial

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 5th November 2003, 20:17

well, they didn`t authorise the pictues being taken, but as they`re there, they don`t think they`ve intruded in the privay and personal grief of these people.

Course, if they didn`t buy the pics, there`s no telling what the paps would do to get their wages. Want to see the pics of Diana crawling out of the car wreck? They`re out there somewhere

RE: Soham Murder Trial

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th November 2003, 20:32

Course, if they didn`t buy the pics, there`s no telling what the paps would do to get their wages.

So, we have to tolerate/reward the appalling behaviour of people who have the potential to behave even more appallingly?

RE: Soham Murder Trial

MildMan (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 5th November 2003, 22:46


Why is it just the papers that we blame for the intrusion. Every TV News Station (Including the Beeb and ITN) is filming the parents going to court; Why is that different to salaried or freeance Photographers doing their stuff?
TV News seem to think it adds credibility just `cos it`s on TV, but I think it`s just as bad personally.

It really annoys me when TV News cover a `Celeb Scandal` Story`, then in the next story, take a swipe at the paparazzi for their insensitive tactics...hypocrisy !

Just my view,


RE: Soham Murder Trial

Oscar Wallace (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 6th November 2003, 00:27

I think the parents would sooner have the media there then not.


RE: Soham Murder Trial

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 6th November 2003, 00:42

what? for company? Their children had been needlessly killed.

I`m sure cameras poking through their windows daily is welcome comfort on the lonely nights..

RE: Soham Murder Trial

Oscar Wallace (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 6th November 2003, 00:47

I`m sure cameras poking through their windows daily is welcome comfort on the lonely nights..

We are talking outside the court not their house,also I doubt very much if the above as ever took place,they even thanked the press for their help and understanding.

Oscar Murdock

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