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Page 1 of Surround sound on a pro logic tv.dvd surround poser?

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Surround sound on a pro logic tv.dvd surround poser?

GaryThomas (Competent) posted this on Monday, 14th August 2000, 23:56

I have had one of the problemated scan players and have now returned it
again. I am looking to buy another player but I am getting all confused with the jargon on advertisements etc as I am new to DVD. I have previously owned a Proline player which had a scart connection and then the Scan player which I connected to my tv via the audio out and svhs cable linked to a scart connecter head as my tv did not have a din pin in connector. I have been reading dvd player guides to day and now I am confused. I have not got a huge budget to spend so I am trying to get the best out of what I can afford. I read today that the Scart is only giving analouge sound and not digital . Would this still give me surround sound on my prologic tv. It also says the same about the normal out audio connectors , will this give me a surround sound from my player ? I noti ced that some players have digital out connectors and left and right audio out so which would I use to my tv if this was the case on my new player? I know you have to have a digital amp to connect up to the dts thingey but will I still get surround sound through the scart or svhs cable and normal adio connectors? Sorry for all these questions but I want to get the best I can from my equipment and I have brought some duff equipment in the past through my lack of knowledge. I have a Grundig MW70 Dolby surround prologic tv. Gary

RE: Surround sound on a pro logic tv.dvd surround poser?

Jimmysilvers (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 15th August 2000, 22:10

The scart lead should pass the correct sound information for you to get prologic on your tv.
The two phono audio conectors would give surround sound information, if you tv has inputs for them. These are usally used for conections to prologic amps.
With your current tv you would not use the Digital conectors as they are for use with Dolby Digital and DTS decoding amps/receivers.

Hope this helps

RE: Surround sound on a pro logic tv.dvd surround poser?

GaryThomas (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 16th August 2000, 08:08


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