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Page 1 of Why do certain people always have a go at Rik?
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Why do certain people always have a go at Rik?

Riggs (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th April 2004, 11:19

I was just wondering why, whenever Rik posts anything, certain people have to have a go. Surely it takes more effort to reply having a pop than to just ignore his post. Have I missed out on some history between Rik and others?

Personally I don`t think Rik is any more prone to speaking bull than the rest of us, but maybe I haven`t been here long enough. Just my opinion :) .


I`m too old for this sh*t!

This item was edited on Thursday, 29th April 2004, 12:20

RE: Why do certain people always have a go at Rik?

RWB (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th April 2004, 11:42

Thanks Riggs...I`d like to know as well. It`s probably due to my age, and the fact that certain others feel threatened by someone younger, LOL.

My DVD Collection

RE: Why do certain people always have a go at Rik?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 29th April 2004, 12:11

I think it`s down to a number of reasons, and I wouldn`t exactly say people `have a go` either. Some people get irritated by his views (ie. his BNP support), others his by the way that he often writes in a robotic fashion, as if he is lifting everything he writes straight out of a magazine. There`s quite a conversational tone about posting on forums, but occasionally Rik will post something that can sound a little condescending. Also he`ll often start a thread up which is just a link to one of his reviews on another site, which can often come across as a bit of self promotion, which I think niggles at people. And finally I think some people just find it fun baiting Rik, probably down to him being the youngest, as it`s just fun to wind people up and see what their reaction is.

I wouldn`t say I was one of the persons that has a go really, maybe I have been in the past, but it`s more a bit of friendly banter, and winding him up. I think the same goes for a few others - it`s not malicious, it`s just a bit of fun I think, and usually Rik takes it as it is meant to be taken. Anyway, I hope Rik hasn`t taken offence to this, but Riggs did ask after all. ;)

This item was edited on Thursday, 29th April 2004, 13:12

RE: Why do certain people always have a go at Rik?

Riggs (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th April 2004, 12:34

Thanks for the honest reply Ben. I can fully understand a bit of banter, having worked in a factory when I was 17-18 you soon learn to give as good as you get. And I think Rik seems to recognise banter in most cases, otherwise he wouldn`t keep coming back.

But there do seem to be some people who take it that step further, regardless of the content of Riks post. Reading most posts it is very difficult to define someones age, and in recent weeks there have been some very strong views expressed on this site, making for some very interesting and thoughtful debates. It just seems that Rik seems to get more than his fair share of negative replies to his posts, than others with equally strong opinions.

Just my opinion and not meant to offend anyone. (and no I`m not related to Rik, as far as I know ;) ).


I`m too old for this sh*t!

This item was edited on Thursday, 29th April 2004, 13:35

RE: Why do certain people always have a go at Rik?

Dickieboy (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 29th April 2004, 12:40

Haggis had a right go at him the other day which had me in stitches. I would have laughed harder had I not agreed with everything he said!
Rik seems ok to me really, but at his age he should probably be `down the swings` with a bottle of cider with his mates, not writing inflated reviews. - youth eh?

RE: Why do certain people always have a go at Rik?

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th April 2004, 12:44

Does he really support the BNP? Well, you learn summat new every day!


RE: Why do certain people always have a go at Rik?

Riggs (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th April 2004, 12:48

I never got the impression that he supported the BNP, more that he agreed with some of their policies. Could be wrong, maybe he can reply himself.

Interesting though that in recent weeks there have been forum discussions regarding racism, homophobia (gay marriage) but I don`t remember anything about ageism which can be equally as damaging....or am I wrong?

I`m too old for this sh*t!

This item was edited on Thursday, 29th April 2004, 13:51

RE: Why do certain people always have a go at Rik?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th April 2004, 12:50

"You want answers?.. I`ll give you answers?.. you want the truth?.. I`ll give you truth"

Ben has echoed my feelings completely... this forum is becoming the Rik Booth show.. every little personal problem has thread dedicated to it.. what`s next? far do you go?..

I know i shouldn`t get annoyed by this.. and i have held back from posting scathing retorts on many occasions.. but the BNP thing is the final straw.. I cannot sit back and let him waffle on about things he has no understanding of... what if there is an army of young lurkers out there.. reading his posts and thinking.. hmmm. perhaps i`ll have a look into this BNP thing... NO.. it has to stop.. freedom of speach yes.. but this is taking the p***.. and it`s an offence to every reader who isn`t a white, public schoolboy with dillusions of grandeur..

so.. ok..he can post whatever he likes on film, tv, the latest cereal he`s eating.. and i wont comment.. but the minute i see BNP.. i`m gonna be flaming his arse untill it`s satan`s bottom itself...

RE: Why do certain people always have a go at Rik?

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th April 2004, 12:53

I tend to not get involved with the heavier threads. If I have personal problems I go to my `real` mates for help, I don`t post on here. I cannot fully comment on Rik`s BNP affiliation as I don`t trawl through all the `heavy` threads, but if what you`re saying is true, Haggis then more power to you.


RE: Why do certain people always have a go at Rik?

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 29th April 2004, 12:54

Does he really support the BNP? Well, you learn summat new every day!

if you look more closely you`ll see rik actually only say`s he supports SOME of the principles ie crime prevention/punishment`s imigration control, etc these are thing many people would agree with, i personally hate the bnp with a passion, they dress themselves in civil clothe`s whilst underneath they are cowards and racist bigot`s, and having spoken to rik a few times away from the forum`s i honestly do not beleive rik is either of these, and yes, it does seem that a lot of people dive streight in when rik posts anything, tho i don`t know why. :/


general nobody @ chat@ retsgoeht[at]moc.dlrowltn


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