Page 1 of Biggest Spider in the World in My hallway last night - 42%er DO NOT look in (picture)

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Biggest Spider in the World in My hallway last night - 42%er DO NOT look in (picture)

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd September 2004, 09:55

Oh man,

I absolutley sh*t my load yesterday when this B*stard spider decided to sit in my hallway - i was wearing footy shorts and was barefooted and absolutely bricked it when i switched the light on and saw this monster staring at me. :o :o :o

I off course was just gonna spray it with the fly spray and kill the b*stard but the missus insisted on me catching it and letting it go on the grass over the road from my house.

I was soo p*ssed off.

The first photo just does not do it justice cos the b*stard was fookin huuuuuuuge- just look at its legs in the 2nd and 3rd shots.

Anyway - for any arachnophobes DO NOT LOOK

The only way to see how big it really is just look at the size of the b*stard compared to my fingers in the last picture!!!

God i hate them.......

"When my people were writing philosophy, your people were still swinging from trees..."

RE: Biggest Spider in the World in My hallway last night - 42%er DO NOT look in (picture)

Spooky_UK (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 2nd September 2004, 10:29

Maybe this stuff will help....

RE: Biggest Spider in the World in My hallway last night - 42%er DO NOT look in (picture)

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd September 2004, 10:31


"When my people were writing philosophy, your people were still swinging from trees..."

RE: Biggest Spider in the World in My hallway last night - 42%er DO NOT look in (picture)

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd September 2004, 10:53

....err, I think he means "if it can kill spiderman......" :-)

Oh, and, that`s not a big spider! As you said, look at the legs. There`s no muscle there is there? ;-)


This item was edited on Thursday, 2nd September 2004, 11:48

RE: Biggest Spider in the World in My hallway last night - 42%er DO NOT look in (picture)

playthefilm (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd September 2004, 11:35

not a bad size, you can clearly see one of it`s fangs!

RE: Biggest Spider in the World in My hallway last night - 42%er DO NOT look in (picture)

biddenden_sue (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd September 2004, 12:04

You know what freaks me out with spiders? If they have only got 7 legs....just think what the poor bugger that LOST the fight looked like! It makes this one a HARD BASTARD!!! The other way to know when you are dealing with a BIG one, is when you grab a mug to put over it, then realise it ain`t gonna fit ---- BAD NEWS!

And there`s some bigguns about this time of year, so watch out!

Just thought you might need cheering up, you know...

RE: Biggest Spider in the World in My hallway last night - 42%er DO NOT look in (picture)

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 2nd September 2004, 12:13

WOW! You were luckly to get out of that situation alive! ;)
If you thought he looked big, how big do you think you appeared from his perspective?

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RE: Biggest Spider in the World in My hallway last night - 42%er DO NOT look in (picture)

chewie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd September 2004, 12:37

That`s big, but far from the biggest I`ve seen. Just the other night there was one with a body about 4 times the size of that one, although the legs were not as long. I tried to stamp on it (like a little girl, screaming and all) but it was too fast and ran into a cupboard. Needless to say I`ve not had the courage to open the cupboard, and I`m terrified where it might be. Hate the things :/

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RE: Biggest Spider in the World in My hallway last night - 42%er DO NOT look in (picture)

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd September 2004, 12:44

No, no. My bedroom, summer 2002, THAT was a big spider! Although your one is horrible :o


This item was edited on Thursday, 2nd September 2004, 13:40

RE: Biggest Spider in the World in My hallway last night - 42%er DO NOT look in (picture)

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd September 2004, 12:58

I screamed like such a poof when i saw this thing.... :/

"When my people were writing philosophy, your people were still swinging from trees..."

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