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What is it with men and `The Toilet`?

Nina (Elite) posted this on Monday, 13th September 2004, 22:54

Seriously though, what is the deal???

Why do men spend so long on the toilet? What is the fascination?

I just don`t get it. My boyfriend can (and has been known to) spend hours in there.

Does it really take you lot all that long to evacuate your bowels? Or is there something `deep and meaningful` I am missing here? :/

Whilst we`re on the topic, why do men like to go into graphic detail/smell/`type` of doo-doo they have just done? Is it a `man` thing?

This is a serious question as I am sure not all men are like this right?

RE: What is it with men and `The Toilet`?

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Monday, 13th September 2004, 22:57

My father would read the newspaper, from front to back, at one "sitting" (I had to be careful spelling that).
I didn`t ask, nor get, the details, thank heavens!

RE: What is it with men and `The Toilet`?

Gaffski (Elite) posted this on Monday, 13th September 2004, 23:01

I don`t get it either.. I`m in and out in a flush.. er.. flash.

Don`t see the point in hanging around in a place with such a bad atmosphere.

RE: What is it with men and `The Toilet`?

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 13th September 2004, 23:02

Hey Nina - dont go there`re on thin ice here.......The bog is the holy grail for men up and and down the country. Just the fact your querying its powers is blasphemous..........I`ve been known to spend many an hour on the bog reading my FHM with the radio wife.... no kids.... no work..........its truly a beautiful place...... :D :D :D

"When my people were writing philosophy, your people were still swinging from trees..."

RE: What is it with men and `The Toilet`?

Nina (Elite) posted this on Monday, 13th September 2004, 23:07

I don`t get it either.. I`m in and out in a flush.. er.. flash.

Don`t see the point in hanging around in a place with such a bad atmosphere.

So glad I`m not the only one who thinks like this :)

This has been the cause of me being late for work many, many times because he has either stunk out the bathroom and I can`t go in for fear of death by intoxicating fumes or he spends so long sitting in there doing god knows what that by the time he`s ready to come out is the time I should have left the house! This is a serious matter and I want to know is there any way I can change him or say something to get him to change because no amount of telling him to hurry up or to stop with the descriptions makes any difference. :/

RE: What is it with men and `The Toilet`?

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Monday, 13th September 2004, 23:16

Air-Therapy Natural Room Spray (the orange one is good) works a treat. Available from some health shops at £3.95.

RE: What is it with men and `The Toilet`?

martymcfly (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th September 2004, 17:21

Apparently there is surgery which can quicken up the "Turkish" process (Turkish Delight) and it coincidentally only costs a Grand, that`s 1000 GB Pounds Sterling to you dahling. :p

Ohhhh! I`ve just had a thought, a Birthday present which you would both appreciate!! :D

Cheers, Marty 8)

Either that or he`s in there having a Ham (Ham Shank) :o :o :o :o

RE: What is it with men and `The Toilet`?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th September 2004, 17:59

Its where i get all my best thinking and reading done. Its quiet and the act means its the best defence against disturbances. Ive even got a little radio tuned to talksport in there.

Indeed a fortress of solitude.......

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: What is it with men and `The Toilet`?

Mix Man (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th September 2004, 08:17


Move to a house with two bathrooms.... ;)

RE: What is it with men and `The Toilet`?

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th September 2004, 08:31

erm .. this is a new thing to me... is this true? I couldn`t imagine sitting there for more than it takes to ..well... you know... ergh,,,,,

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