After a heated drunken debate my friend maintains that it is not posssible to be over 40 and be "cool".
Discuss..... ;)
RE: Cool over 40
My dad was in his 70`s and was a dude. My ex, The Monitor Cath, still goes on about his legs! Aparently they were well fit. I can only hope I am half as cool as he was when I am older.
All the best,
The 42%er
It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....
I`m so cool my legs just snapped !
Sue Davies(43 yee haa)
News Editor and Site Reviewer
DVD Reviewer
41 & so cool I could make a polar bear feel chilly. ;)
WARNING The value of my self perception may go up as well as down.
If Mac users are "more intelligent than the average computer user," why do they need an operating system designed for complete idiots?
40 PLUS and Cool? I should coco..... :D
...actually that`s the slightly uncool kind of thing a 40 year old would say now I think about it..... :/
....Depends of your definition of COOL. In my book, William S. Burroughs was the very definition of the word and he reached his 80`s..... 8)
my friend maintains that it is not posssible to be over 40 and be "cool".
I assume that your friends about....18 or 19? 40 seems such a long way off.
Let me ask you your friend `cool` now? I only ask this because `reel cool dudes` don`t get drunk. They stay `cool` and are prepared for `the moment`.
I have some friends from my early 20`s times who were `cool` back then but are now (way past 40) just basically `old farts`. It all depends on the individual. My guess is that your friend will eventually be one of these guys. :)
Am I `cool`? People don`t have to ask.....they just know!! 8)
I assume that your friends about....18 or 19? 40 seems such a long way off.
I am 43 my friend is 39 (possibly an early mid life crisis) we are both married with grown up children and I myself am a grandparent.
The basis of my friend`s argument was that over 40s just could not "get away with" the fashions worn by younger people and when trying to looked slightly ridiculous.
I maintained that being cool was not something you could attain by trying, or was age dependant but was a quality that perceived by others you either had or had not. I believe coolness is in the eye of the beholder.
Incidently my friend is generally thought to be quite cool, although his argument is not.
Lol to all for sharing their thoughts. ;)
The basis of my friend`s argument was that over 40s just could not "get away with" the fashions worn by younger people and when trying to looked slightly ridiculous.
I would totally agree with that!! Dressing like a `teenager` is not what I would deem `cool`. If it was a woman it would be a `mutton dressed as lamb` scenario, likewise for a man. As you point out` cool is what you are not just what you wear. 8)
"From the moment I picked up your book until I laid it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it." Groucho Marx.