Page 1 of Did anyone grab The Abyss SE for £10.99 at last week?

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Did anyone grab The Abyss SE for £10.99 at last week?

JE2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 18th May 2001, 16:52

It`s just that I managed to get one, but there`s 2 copies of Disc 1 in the box rather than 1 & 2. Has anyone else had the same problem. Maybe that`s why they were so cheap!!! (only kidding).

But seriously, do i contact the e-tailer or the distributor about getting one of the discs replaced with disc 2?

RE: Did anyone grab The Abyss SE for £10.99 at last week?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Friday, 18th May 2001, 17:01

the price has nothing to do with the fact that they sent the wrong disc.....

contact them immediately........they should provide the second disc without any hassle

RE: Did anyone grab The Abyss SE for £10.99 at last week?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 18th May 2001, 20:07

Agreed - whenever there is a problem with something you`ve bought the responsibility lies with the retailer and not the manufacturer.

RE: Did anyone grab The Abyss SE for £10.99 at last week?

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Friday, 18th May 2001, 22:15

i took my abyss to hmv still fully sealed and got £25 in vouchers back! cool!!!

RE: Did anyone grab The Abyss SE for £10.99 at last week?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 19th May 2001, 00:11

Tsk tsk....

(psst - didn`t they ask you for a receipt, then Stoney ?)

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