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Page 1 of Another significant minimum wage increase

General Forum

Another significant minimum wage increase

Gaffski (Elite) posted this on Monday, 3rd October 2005, 12:15

Wouldn`t it be nice if we all got inflation-busting pay rises irrespective of performance or ability?

Oh I bet the people on minimum wage have so much motivation for their work knowing that they`ll get increases no matter what quality of work they produce.

Am I being unreasonable?

RE: Another significant minimum wage increase

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 3rd October 2005, 12:18

That is one way of looking at it.

Another might be that the lowest paid percentage of the population are now marginally less badly paid.

Some might also take offence at your presumption that those on minimum wages are lazy workers.


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott

RE: Another significant minimum wage increase

Remoh1 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 3rd October 2005, 12:22

Am I being unreasonable?

yes no maybe <G>

Some of the jobs that get paid minimum wage are quite involved and have high levels of responsibility so really shouldn`t be minimum wage jobs. The big problem with continually increasing the minimum wage is that it increases the cost of things because the wages cost is passed on to the consumer. So all that happens is the minimum wage earner gets more money but can still only buy the same amount with it, kinda defeats the object and also like you say gives to reason dfor some people to put any effort into their work as they know they will get a rise anyway

If you want to come after me you`ll find me in Newport Pagnell but be warned I know karate, Judo, Kung-fu and several other dangerous words

RE: Another significant minimum wage increase

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 3rd October 2005, 12:56

Oh I bet the people on minimum wage have so much motivation for their work knowing that they`ll get increases no matter what quality of work they produce.

Am I being unreasonable?

Yes, you are. My parents and in-laws are both on the minimum wage and work for contractors as both cleaners and school caretakers. The pay is crap compared to the hours and shifts they have to work. My in laws are also not allowed more than a handful of hours during school holidays so they get nothing during the six week summer holiday and have also been told by the DWP that they can`t claim anything during this period. How is that fair?

My wife works as a carer in a residential home on the minimum wage and often works 13 hour shifts. My 17 year old daughter has just started work in the same place on less than the minimum wage due to her age, but has no adjustment in her work patterns or responsabilities.

Tell me this is all fair and that people don`t work hard regardless of what they`re paid. I used to work in telecomms on a more than decent whack a few years ago and I knew some right lazy gits then, some earning far more than me and calling themselves managers (some not).

I was vehemently opposed to the minimum wage on principle when it was first mooted as I have blue blood politically, but seeing the effects of it and how much worse it would be for people I know has made me review my previous views.


News Editor and Reviewer

Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn...

And those who dance will spin and turn,
And those who wait will wait no more,
And those who talk will hear the words,
And those who see will fade and die,
And those who laugh will surely fall,
And those who know will always feel their backs against the thin wall...

RE: Another significant minimum wage increase

Chug a Bug (Competent) posted this on Monday, 3rd October 2005, 22:23

Yeah I agree. I`ve done cleaning jobs myself and they`re utterly knackering and the pay is terrible.

All rights reserved. All wrongs reversed.

RE: Another significant minimum wage increase

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 3rd October 2005, 22:57

tell me about it,,, i`m about 20p above the minimum rate, yet i work for a furniture company that produces some of the most expensive kitchens/bedrooms/bathrooms etc in the world, & we ship all over the world, i won`t tell you the name of the firm, BUT i`ll give you a hint that should enable you to find out, we also do a range of luxury goods ie chandeliers/etc, including the worlds most expensive Perfume per fluid oz (google it)

i do a full 40hr week, which includes loading 40 foot containers on a regular basis, bloody hard work, all for the princely sum of £188 pw :( so if theres gonna be a rise in the minimum rate ? i`d like to know about it :D

if anyone thinks i don`t earn every penny of my money then think again, if gavski is on much more than the minimum rate then good for him, but why give honest hard working joe`s like me a hard time :/ thats just being a wierdo. you must feel so hard done by to have bothered posting :¦

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

This item was edited on Tuesday, 4th October 2005, 00:01

RE: Another significant minimum wage increase

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th October 2005, 05:53

Oh I bet the people on minimum wage have so much motivation for their work knowing that they`ll get increases no matter what quality of work they produce.

Am I being unreasonable?

Not at all....If only my wages had risen at such a rate...When the minimum wage was introduced I was a good couple of quid above it now Im only 50p ahead ...and I wouldnt be that far above if I hadnt gained a 10p an hour rise for doing a mickey mouse NVQ (the only reason I did it as the qualification means nothing but the 10p an hour extra you got for passing it was almost double out pay rise!) I do a s***ty job, working in a factory with dirt oil and grease lugging big train components about, when the minimum wage catches me up ..which I predict it will by this time next year as out wage rises are nowhere near 35p an hour like this new minimum wage rise is..where is the incentive for me to stay? why should I do a dirty, poorly paid job for the same wage I could get working in a supermarket of sitting on my arse on a garage forecourt serving petrol?

Yes the minimum wage is a good thing, it stops people being ripped off working for peanuts BUT think about all the poor buggers who are just above the minimum wage now doing crappy jobs who only a few years ago were not badly paid but well above the minimum and whose wages dont rise anywhere near the rate the minimum wage does Over the last few years my annual rise has worked out at around 7p an hour :/

"If I had time....and a hammer, I`d track down every bootleg copy and smash it........"
- George Lucas

My DVD collection

This item was edited on Tuesday, 4th October 2005, 06:56

RE: Another significant minimum wage increase

MildMan (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 4th October 2005, 06:36

Some might also take offence at your presumption that those on minimum wages are lazy workers.

Some might say that the minimum wage enccourages the lazy people(along the lines of what R Terlwilliger is saying).

Employers have to bear the cost for this increase and for the extra employer NI contribution too(so Brown wins too)..small employers are now under immense pressure and some will fold, some will lay off people, others will make some jobs part time...the minimum wage idea is not all good news.

I think it`s part of the Labour way of buying votes..another `benefit` for the non-working/don`t-want-to work class to keep them sweet at election time.


RE: Another significant minimum wage increase

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th October 2005, 08:29

I think it`s part of the Labour way of buying votes..another `benefit` for the non-working/don`t-want-to work class to keep them sweet at election time.

Well thats the needle buried on the bulls*** detector.

The tories would have brought the minimum wage in sooner or later. Its a safeguard against exploitation. Yes, when people are desperate for work, they will work for a total pittance. Yes, they choose to accept this wage, but for some, they dont have a choice. Its either that or nothing.

The minimum wage safeguards against the exploitation of people in `crap` jobs. People who have no choice but to accept f*** all money.

Yes, its not all roses and it has hit small employers. But in the grand scheme of things it has helped out people and done a lot of good.

The Irony is that most of the jobs on or near minimum wage involve the hardest work. And as someone who has done minimum wage work, I find your quoted assertation offensive and downright ignorant.

You should do a mimimum wage job for a few months. See how lazy you feel then.

All glory to the hypnotoad
What im listening to (if youre interested)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 4th October 2005, 09:32

RE: Another significant minimum wage increase

mildman2 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th October 2005, 08:53

Well thats the needle buried on the bulls*** detector.

Hee hee You can`t help it can you? it does not have to be bulls*** just because you either don`t agree or don`t understand another angle. Free your mind yourself to the views of others... (oops, there goes the patronisometer :D )

The Irony is that most of the jobs on or near minimum wage involve the hardest work.

Pure assumption, no facts and it convenienly suits your view/opinion. ...and what do you consider to be `hard` work ? `Hard` is subjective. (Please note that I did not call it bulls***)

And as someone who has done minimum wage work, I find your quoted assertation offensive and downright ignorant.

I have done minimum wage work too, which is why I have as much a right to make a statement about this as you.

You should do a mimimum wage job for a few months. See how lazy you feel then.

I didn`t feel lazy, I feel the same as i do with my current job. I worked as hard and as concienciously as I could (apart from the time i`m posting on here :/ ).


This item was edited on Tuesday, 4th October 2005, 09:55

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