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Page 1 of "The Sun"`s Campaign To "Bang Up The Gangs"

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"The Sun"`s Campaign To "Bang Up The Gangs"

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th August 2006, 12:20

I was fairly loathed to put this in on the forum as I guess it is going to get knee-jerk reactions. But knee-jerk reactions (and actions) is now what this country needs.
And, yes, I know it is "The Sun".
Anyway, they are starting a campaign to more or less (not their words) "reclaim the streets".
They want (and so do I):
More cops on the beat to make streets safer.
Tougher sentences for yobs who laugh at the law.
Government pressure on parents of street kids.
Their words, not mine.
Now, on a personal level I have been doing my utmost for the past ten years to get something done. Like, anything done!
I have had "Beat Officers" (stupid title, sounds like someone permanently masturbating) come around. I have risked life and limb by showing them what is going on, where they hide the stolen goods and so forth.
We have had shootings, stabbings, daily car crime, yobs gathering, influx of pit bulls (never puppies), mopeds with mufflers taken off. I have seen elderly ladies dragged by their hair when being mugged by about six 8 to 16 years old. I could go on, but so sick of it thinking of it.
The police have done absolutely nothing. Sorry to my chum police on here, but in the ten years of me trying to do something, the police did buggar all. So I am pretty furious over that.
Anyway, in the wake of these many recent teen murders and attempted murders "The Sun" has said enough is enough.
As I see nothing being done by police, counsellors or the government I have contributed my bit to that damn "newspaper". Where else is there to go.
So, for information purposes, if anyone else wants to get in on this and try and get our streets back, they can be contacted on 02077824102 or sgnag[at].ku.oc.nus-eht
Enlightened replies will help.
I wish i knew the answer to it all, or whence it came. A lot are calling for National Service, but I don`t see much point in that. The people that did National Service back then were much pleasanter people than we have now.
Me moving out (I am leaving this country in April) is not what I mean. Where I live are ,many elderly and people with special needs and they all live in fear. It is not right.
Any answers?
I really am so tired of it all.
And, yes, as I mentioned, I am fully aware it is knee-jerk.

RE: "The Sun"`s Campaign To "Bang Up The Gangs"

Fowler9 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th August 2006, 12:37

You say "knee - jerk" reaction but can anyone really deny that this is going on and that it needs sorting out? i`d think not.

I dont know what the answer is to stop these idiots thinking what they are doing is right, that it is "the done thing" but doing nothing cant be right.

I hope something comes out of whatever campaign the sun runs


RE: "The Sun"`s Campaign To "Bang Up The Gangs"

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 29th August 2006, 12:57

I actually think that the answer is in the Governments hands if it wants to do something about it. They need to:

1. ensure that the law is changed so that these crimes are dealt with adequately other than just ASBOs or not pursued.
2. release more officers onto the beat by reducing the amount of paperwork involved
3. seriously look at the Human Rights legislation so that criminals can`t hide behind it
4. get rid of CSO`s as they aren`t helping the situation, they have no powers of arrest and everyone knows it

Whilst I wouldn`t support a newspaper campaign on principle, it is clear that something needs doing. I just wonder how long it will last before somethign else comes along.


News Editor and Reviewer

Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn...

And those who dance will spin and turn,
And those who wait will wait no more,
And those who talk will hear the words,
And those who see will fade and die,
And those who laugh will surely fall,
And those who know will always feel their backs against the thin wall...

RE: "The Sun"`s Campaign To "Bang Up The Gangs"

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 29th August 2006, 13:05

I think to pretend The Sun cares about anything other than its profits would be somewhat naive.

We have plenty of laws to enforce against people that make life hell for everyone else, we don`t need any more laws. This government has locked up record numbers of people, so you can`t really say that is the answer either.

Whilst I`m in me 30s, I can still remember far enough back to when I was a kid to know that a big part of the problem is if kids can get away with stuff, they`ll do it, and a tiny few carry on pushing the boundaries.

More police on the streets is definitely a good idea in some areas, but it is only part of the solution. You need to do something to stop kids getting into anti-social behaviour to start with.

It`s a shame we have a government whose answer to absolutely everything is either a new computer system, or a bunch of targets. It`s even more of a shame that the opposition are no better.

What we need to start doing is not letting bloody politicians run the country.


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott


Fowler9 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th August 2006, 13:12

This government has locked up record numbers of people, so you can`t really say that is the answer either.

Not sure how that statistic means that the laws against, say, assualt are being enforced correctly to get convictions. Could it not be that they`ve just banged up a lot of people fraudulently taking money ?? hence distorted figures??

I think Si made some good points ie too much paperwork, not enough visible police presence.

I;d add poor parenting to the list of causes
Too often I see parent decide they dont like there kid being told off / nicked or whatever (presumably some sort of "protect your own instinct" which is understandable to a point) so they kick up a right fuss and basically imply to little johnny that it is perfectly OK for him to do whatever he has done. Sadly at no point do they actually review what happened and then dish out the necessary punishment themselves to point out that what he did isnt acceptable

This then snowballs until the kid is out of control and suddenly you hear "ive tried everything but he wont listen" or they simply tell you that the kid never does anything wrong and to "F[at]kc off you W@@ker and keep your nose out of our business before i punch your face in" - such an example


This item was edited on Tuesday, 29th August 2006, 14:19


Batavia (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th August 2006, 13:17

Whilst I`m in me 30s, I can still remember far enough back to when I was a kid to know that a big part of the problem is if kids can get away with stuff, they`ll do it, and a tiny few carry on pushing the boundaries.

No, we aren`t talking about naughty kids here.
We now have a breed of murderers. The ones I see around here have "psychopathic tendencies". I can easily spot a naughty kid. i am talking about those that would do harm to another human being without flinching an eye.
Back in the sixties there was Mary Rose (or was it Mary Bell?) who killed some children. It hit the front page of every newspaper in the world.
Now it is just common place.
The old adage (misquoted) "for evil to thrive it takes good people to do nothing".
We might have plenty of laws, but the police, in my experience and it seems in many others, do nothing. And I mean nothing.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 29th August 2006, 14:18

RE: "The Sun"`s Campaign To "Bang Up The Gangs"

jakeh (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 29th August 2006, 13:59

It`s very simple really.

- Build more jails and have the prison population working for their food and accomodation. If they don`t want to work then they have to learn a trade or have their sentence increased.

- A 3 strikes and you`ve earnt a life sentence rule, regardless of the offence. Paying for some nasty piece of work to be locked up for life is to me a good use of public money.

- Stop probation and early release. When a custodial sentence is given, the prisoner serves that time.

- A convicted criminal loses all rights under the Human Rights act to compensation, etc.

- Make those found guilty of offences provide compensation to the victims of crime whether that be financial or providing assistance in some way.

- Make the parents of young offenders, criminally responsible as well if evidence is found of poor parenting.

Basically make criminals understand that if they commit an offence then there will be a real punishment should they be caught.

There was a story in the newspaper recently of some criminal who chose to go to jail rather than do community service because he was told by a criminal relative that prison was an easy touch because of the free food, tv, pool table, etc. His parents were despairing of their son`s opinion.

RE: "The Sun"`s Campaign To "Bang Up The Gangs"

simon1977 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 29th August 2006, 14:53

I think the country needs a superhero.

I remember a while ago there were those guys who wore bomber jackets on the train and walked up an down protecting people. I think they were called something angels.

I gues the question it where do you draw the line between standing up for your rights and vigilante.

The thing that annoys me is that if the average Joe does something in retaliation then guaranteed the police would come down hard on them and lock him up. There is no justice in the world.

RE: "The Sun"`s Campaign To "Bang Up The Gangs"

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th August 2006, 15:08

release more officers onto the beat by reducing the amount of paperwork involved

Judge Dredd? Seriously, the filth cant just act arbitrarily.

seriously look at the Human Rights legislation so that criminals can`t hide behind it

Yeah, pfftt..human rights eh? F*** the people the legislation actually helps thanks to the statistically small percentage of people who `hide behind it` (name one case, other than the guy on the roof who wanted a KFC).

The people that did National Service back then were much pleasanter people than we have now.

Thats an incredibly specious statement. Plus, the people who did national service gave birth to the f***witted hoardes who now spawn litters of feral children. If ex-army cant discipline them, who can? Additionally, I dont know if youve ever met any current or ex-army, but I think you would change that opinion pretty sharpish if you did.

Back in the sixties there was Mary Rose (or was it Mary Bell?) who killed some children. It hit the front page of every newspaper in the world.
Now it is just common place.

Again, completely untrue. Take the geezer who killed his lad in greece for example. There was a national outcry. The media is just now better at giving us blanket coverage. If jack the ripper happened tomorrow, sky news would have a camp set up in whitechapel before you could blink.

So, I hear you cry, what would your solution be mister smartarse?

Well, im glad you asked.......I would, first of all, legalise drugs and use the tax money from that to fund rehabilitation clinics (no, thats not self defeating, think about it for a minute....). This would help eliminate a lot of organised crime (which a lot of crap comes from) and keep dealers and criminals away from average people. It would also de-glamourise drugs and help treat people who turn into one man crime waves to fund their habits. I personally think the legalisation of drugs would, ultimately, lead to a massive cut in crime rates across the board.

I would provide tax relief for companies who allowed flexi-hours and incentives for people to match their rosters so at least one parent was at home as much as possible. With two parents working all the time, its no wonder kids dont get any attention and go off the rails. I dont know what I would do about single parents, the godless, heathen scum.

Its not all wooly liberalism, though, oh no. I would rip off, almost in its entirety, the faintly facist `three strikes` scheme that Rudy Gulianni used to successfully slash crimerates in New York. Personally, if you are stupid enough to get caught for something 3 times, you deserve to do time. And time would mean time. I would employ an almost slave labour-esque system where lags did things like stuffing envelopes, sorting re-cyling, making blankets for the homeless.....jesus, anything that stopped them sitting on their arses watching trisha all day. They would then earn `credits`, which would pay for an hour of telly or a game of pool, so the incentive would be there to actually do it. I would also operate a rigourous rehabilitation and a work placement scheme for when they were released, so they would have at least something to do when they were released.

At the end of the day people see crime as a viable alternative to working a f***ing crap job with little pay, with most of that going on tax with prison as an acceptable risk, so that needs to be adressed first and foremost.

I would then round up feral children and introduce a Battle Royale style Human Cockfight, with some kind of phone voting/text scenario where proceeds go to kicking out immigrants or something.

I hope you like it. It took me the whole of my afternoon break.......

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: "The Sun"`s Campaign To "Bang Up The Gangs"

Fowler9 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th August 2006, 15:22

It would also de-glamourise drugs and help treat people who turn into one man crime waves to fund their habits

So the average joe would still get his car broken into so some druggie could fund, his now legal, habbit and be entitled to treatment for the addicition afterwards??

I Quote:
would provide tax relief for companies who allowed flexi-hours and incentives for people to match their rosters so at least one parent was at home as much as possible. With two parents working all the time, its no wonder kids dont get any attention and go off the rails.

Not a bad idea I think

Personally, if you are stupid enough to get caught for something 3 times, you deserve to do time. And time would mean time. I would employ an almost slave labour-esque system where lags did things like stuffing envelopes, sorting re-cyling, making blankets for the homeless.....jesus, anything that stopped them sitting on their arses watching trisha all day. They would then earn `credits`, which would pay for an hour of telly or a game of pool, so the incentive would be there to actually do it. I would also operate a rigourous rehabilitation and a work placement scheme for when they were released, so they would have at least something to do when they were released.

Sounds spot on to me

I would then round up feral children and introduce a Battle Royale style Human Cockfight, with some kind of phone voting/text scenario where proceeds go to kicking out immigrants or something.

Now you are just p***ing about nick ! :-)



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