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Thanks for Nothing Lidl

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st November 2001, 12:40

Went to my local Lidl this morning to buy a Supervision DVD player and guess what...... I was informed that Lidl were only getting 4 units per store and thay had already sold out, What is the point of that?

For crying out loud, Get your act togeather Lidl!!!! There are people out there waiting to part with there hard earnt cash to buy off you.

RE: Thanks for Nothing Lidl

Paul H (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 1st November 2001, 14:41

I also have a problem with Lidl.

They advertised the DVD player as silver or black, showing a silver machine. However, in all the local stores in my area they were only selling black machines!

I have been looking around for a silver, multi-regional dvd player for around £100 - 130 for a few months now, and I thought that this could be the one!

I have already tried the Dansai from Tesco. It was silver, looked good, showed a good picture, but there was not a reliable multi-regional hack.

I then bought a Cyberhome 528.It was silver, had a multi-regional hack but when playing a disk made a load, whinning noise! I was told by the company that some of the 528`s made `a little noise` when playing a disk!

Therefore, I am still looking......any more suggestions would be most grateful.

Thanks, Paul.H

RE: Thanks for Nothing Lidl

hansolo (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 1st November 2001, 15:24

You could paint the black one silver :-)

RE: Thanks for Nothing Lidl

deanos75 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 1st November 2001, 15:36

Check out the new richer sounds brochure, has an identical DVD player like Lidl`s for £99.95 (DVD521) and £119.95 with dolby (DVD551) made by Acoustic Soloutions.
Also in the brochure is a PIONEER DV430 £119.95 and multiregion version for £149.99 (DVD343) but the first may be hackable if you look on the hack sites.

Hope this will help .


RE: Thanks for Nothing Lidl

mickymcd2 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st November 2001, 20:45

netto scandanavian for value lidl daish for w*ankers i got my m8 to go at 8.30 when he got there there was a gathering already there then guess what only 10 machines shocking i was after a cheap player for my nipper for crimbo ill have to try elsewhere the offer was a good one but the sad gits never knew the demand ;

RE: Thanks for Nothing Lidl

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st November 2001, 21:26

Why are you lot panicking so - there`s loads of £100 players around !

Tesco - Dansai 852
Woolies - Oritron 100
Asda - Pacific and Rowa players
Richer Sounds - Acoustic Solutions DV521
WHSmith - CyberHome ADL528

Out of that little lot, the Cyberhome sticks out as a true trooper. At least it has some pedigree, and is Home Entertainment magazine`s current best budget buy.

Supervision, schmupervision....These budget supermarkets can only ever have a finite amount of these little darlings - that`s how they knock stuff out so cheap, as there aren`t any leftovers.

This item was edited on Thursday, 1st November 2001, 21:28

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