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Page 1 of Mizzy night

General Forum

Mizzy night

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 31st October 2009, 02:48

Do you have this elsewhere in the country?
30th October every year is Mizzy night (short for mischief, scouse, just take the first syllable and add y on the end of everything)
Sounds sweet doesn`t it, all the little angels getting up to mischief.

The reality is gangs of feral yoof dressed in the regulation black track suit with hooded top pulled up roaming the streets. If your lucky your house, car or just you will get egged. If your unlucky, and you mostly will be, anywhere you happen to drive past a park or even a garden with large bushes bricks will be lobbed at your vehicle.
They were even assaulting passing vehicles with golf clubs down one road this year.

I wont be holding my breath for a queue of court appearances


Every Third Car

I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

RE: Mizzy night

SIXFINGERS (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 31st October 2009, 10:27

Scousers do have a great sense of humour though.

RE: Mizzy night

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 31st October 2009, 12:53

We had mischief night but it was on November 4th, the mischief being the history of Guy Fawkes being caught on the night of November 4th `up to mischief` with his gunpowder. Maybe its a Yorkshire thing with Guy fawkes being a Yorkshireman I dunno, but thats when we had mischief night

Oh and we didnt attack cars or property...our mischief was more fun based, usually involving fireworks/smoke bombs, knock and run etc, nothing criminal or dangerous

"If I had time....and a hammer, I`d track down every bootleg copy and smash it........"
- George Lucas

My Collection

This item was edited on Saturday, 31st October 2009, 12:57

RE: Mizzy night

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 31st October 2009, 13:01

I had never heard of mischief night until about 2 years ago when the Hope University car park got hit and my mate`s Mercedes got trashed.

I was doing a PGCE at the time and happened to overhear two particularly unpleasant Y11 mongs bragging about the destruction they had caused and where. Quick visit to the on-site copper (I couldn`t believe that many schools have a permanent Police presence now) and they were in the s***. Haha, good times.

Mischief Night should be one of those national days like National Aids Day etc... where there are no legal ramifications for shooting, maiming and torturing dirty bastard chav scum.

RE: Mizzy night

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 31st October 2009, 22:26

You can shoot and torture chavs on national Aids day? I`ll have to remember that next year ...

"If I had time....and a hammer, I`d track down every bootleg copy and smash it........"
- George Lucas

My Collection

RE: Mizzy night

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 1st November 2009, 02:26

You can shoot and torture chavs on national Aids day? I`ll have to remember that next year

I think he means National Legal Aids day


Every Third Car

I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

RE: Mizzy night

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 1st November 2009, 02:28

There was me thinking you were having a Vic Mizzy tribute night - the composer of the Addams Family theme popped his clogs on the 17th.

J Mark Oates

I don`t need one of those Brain Training games.
Mine can already roll over and play dead.

RE: Mizzy night

1mills (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 1st November 2009, 02:47

You can shoot and torture chavs on national Aids day? I`ll have to remember that next year ...

Is that good or bad aids????

I`ve heard of Mischief night, but in fairness whenever I`ve lived in Liverpool and owned a car I`ve made a point of not going home that night (I work in north wales by my mum`s). This year it would obviously have worked out I would have been back there, as Halloween was a Saturday, so I`m glad I wasn`t, with the addition of it being a Friday, I can only assume that more kids would have been a bit excited by alchohol and potentially gone for the damage rather than eggs.

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