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Page 1 of Uni students. Pig ****ing ignorant.

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Uni students. Pig ****ing ignorant.

Paull (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th July 2010, 07:11

As we all know it`s been a little hot the last few days in a lot of the UK. The house next door to us is a `student` let. The bloke who owns it built a large conservatory on the back of his house. This lets him `let` another room in the house & the conservatory is used as a lounge. I`m sure I don`t have to tell you that the slightest noise & everyone hears it. On Saturday night the cretins that are in the place put the TV near the doors & watched the football outside. They had a BBQ that was more like a large smoke signal, you could not see through it at times. When the football was over they blasted everyone out with music, shouting & screaming at the top of there voices. I tried to phone the owner of the house (he doesn`t live there), all I got was a mobile answer phone. After 30 minutes I shouted across the fence to shut the music up etc. They turned it down a little & were a little quieter but they still kept waking us up, they were doing this until about 2 or 3 in the morning. Last night, the same, except they took no notice of my complaints, so we had another night of shouting & screaming & loud music. The landlord was again uncontactable. Again this went on till 2 or 3. I had a heavy day yesterday & was very tired & would have gone to sleep the second I hit the pillow, instead I was kept awake until at least 2.00am. To make things worse we had to close the window & that made it hot. I am going to complain to the letting agents today & demand the landlords real phone number & that he contacts me. What else can I do?

RE: Uni students. Pig ****ing ignorant.

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 12th July 2010, 07:28

Paull says...
What else can I do?
play them at their own game... seeing as they`re students, they will undoubtably
sleep in until mid-morning / early afternoon.

borrow the loudest petrol mower you can and repeatedly mow the lawn whether it
needs it or not.

failing that, carry out some essential DIY in the house, i.e. hammering stuff into
the adjoining wall, or drilling or whatever you can do to **** them off.

my favourite (my neighbour goes out until all hours leaving her dogs barking
all night) is to play my guitar loudly when i know she`s in bed with whatever poor
soul she`s pulled from the night before.


This item was edited on Monday, 12th July 2010, 08:28

RE: Uni students. Pig ****ing ignorant.

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th July 2010, 08:18

You can get the council and whatever dept it is involved and they do work 24/7 (Enviromental health?)


Every Third Car

I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

RE: Uni students. Pig ****ing ignorant.

retrogeezer (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th July 2010, 09:27

Should have just rung the police (on the non emergency number) and told them there was a party getting out of hand.

RIP Julie & Maisie

RE: Uni students. Pig ****ing ignorant.

Paull (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th July 2010, 09:32

Thanks for your advice, all good but some impractical for me . I did contact the Enviromental health who are basically a big fob off. If I go down that route I have to take a log for 3 weeks, if these cretins don`t do anything more in that time the last two sleepless nights count for nothing. Now I know the out of hours number I will be phoning them. But what a bloody country that you have to even think of doing that. What happened to respect for other people?

RE: Uni students. Pig ****ing ignorant.

Paull (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th July 2010, 09:40

Just noticed the out of hours number is only for Friday & Saturday. So what could I have done last night (Sunday)? I`m pretty sure the police are not interested, I also seem to remember a policeman I was talking to a year or so ago saying they have no powers to do anything about it anyway, they can knock on the door & have a word, but if the cretins choose to ignore then that`s it. I would love to hear if anyone knows different.

RE: Uni students. Pig ****ing ignorant.

whoot (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th July 2010, 09:44

How angry does it make you?

Use that rage and go and kick their ****ing door in. Punch someonel in the face and then see who else wants some.

I saw predators yesterday and some kids - four teenagers- were chatting **** all the way through it. Just crap, yabber yabber yabber/

I couldnt really hear them, but the girl i was with could, and i could not be arsed to listen to her moaning about it for the rest of the day. So I got up, walked over, moved a load of people out the way so i could get to them and told them to **** the **** up.

which they did.

This item was edited on Monday, 12th July 2010, 10:48

RE: Uni students. Pig ****ing ignorant.

kebabhead (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th July 2010, 10:49

Some useful info here

RE: Uni students. Pig ****ing ignorant.

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th July 2010, 11:21

I did contact the Enviromental health who are basically a big fob off. If I go down that route I have to take a log for 3 weeks
I wouldn`t swallow that.
We`ve had one party in 20 years for my daughters 18th and they turned up there in the early hours.


Every Third Car

I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

RE: Uni students. Pig ****ing ignorant.

rvshah (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th July 2010, 11:34

Buy good ear plugs.

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