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Page 1 of The Gay Marriage poll!

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The Gay Marriage poll!

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 5th February 2013, 10:31

As various Tory MPs try to remind everyone that they are still the nasty party at heart, whilst the majority of the population of the UK support gay marriage, before tonight's vote I thought an anonymous poll might be good!

If you've been sleeping under a rock and have no idea what is going on:

I think gay marriage...
...should be made legal in the UK
21 votes
...should only be allowed for lesbians
0 votes
...should only be allowed for guys
0 votes
...actually I just don't care
12 votes wrong for personal reasons
3 votes against my religious beliefs
1 vote the start of armageddon!!111eleven
2 votes
...was a great singer in the 50s
0 votes


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RE: The Gay Marriage poll!

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th February 2013, 11:08

I am getting increasingly angry at the anti brigade on the radio.

"It`s not normal." Unlike following a set of rules laid down by an imagined person in the sky.

"Why do you want it. It`s just a word" If it`s just a word, why are you so worked up about something that will have no affect on you?

"We will be raising a nation of children who are confused." By that if you mean a nation of children who think it`s perfectly normal to be with who you want to be with, but are confused as to why an organization that preaches love to your fellow man has it`s knickers in a twist. Then sign me up.

"Talking`s for lesbians" Psycho Paul 2011.

RE: The Gay Marriage poll!

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 5th February 2013, 11:23

I think it's okay not to get angry about this particular brigade anymore, they've lost the debate. Probably because they keep making nonsensical arguments like those.

The brigade to get annoyed at is the one that will pop up after this in a few months, and go on about how "they can get married now" so everybody is equal, and there is no need to keep banging on about LGBT issues as everything is all fine now.


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RE: The Gay Marriage poll!

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th February 2013, 11:51

Just to clear up the LGBT thing.

Lesbians: They like gay girls. They like gay men. They like some non gay men, but don`t trust them. They don`t like the bi`s who are greedy. They also like straight girls who they believe they can turn.

Gays (men): They like gay men. They love gay girls. Their best friends are straight girls. They don`t fancy straight men. "Just because I`m gay it doesn`t mean I fancy you... Nice arse."

Bi: As long as you are up for it, who gives a toss... Well they will. And a suck and a lick.

Trans: As long as they can use the other toilet and they look fabulous, they are happy.

"Talking`s for lesbians" Psycho Paul 2011.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th February 2013, 11:53

RE: The Gay Marriage poll!

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 5th February 2013, 12:31



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RE: The Gay Marriage poll!

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th February 2013, 12:47

Rob Shepherd says...
If you`ve been sleeping under a rock and have no idea what is going on:
Is the Rock gay!
I never realised.


Every Third Car

I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

RE: The Gay Marriage poll!

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th February 2013, 12:57

I think you are thinking of Vin Diesel.

"Talking`s for lesbians" Psycho Paul 2011.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th February 2013, 13:05

RE: The Gay Marriage poll!

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 5th February 2013, 14:01

At the risk of sounding serious, this is all about a lack of respect for each other.

I believe that whatever one`s sexual orientation, if two people love each other and want to make a lifetime committment to each other they should be able to - and have that committment treated with the same weight.  Call it marriage, call it a partnership, whatever the gender of the partners it should be celebrated as something special, not merely as a legal or cultural nicety.

On the other hand, the sensitivities of the organised religions need to be recognised.  The concept of "marriage" comes with a lot of cultural and dogmatic baggage.  Ultimately it`s their problem, and only goes to prove how (sadly IMHO) irrelevant organised religions are becoming as they fail to recognise the shifting nature of Western culture.

Nothing will be satisfactorily resolved as long as neither side has the sensitivity or common sense to find an accord between the two viewpoints - but that`s human nature, innit?

J Mark Oates

It`s Grand To Be Daft

RE: The Gay Marriage poll!

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 5th February 2013, 14:56

That's a fair enough viewpoint.

I'm of the opinion that if a religion prohibits something, whether it be same sex love, a certain type of food, or working on a certain day of the week, and you don't agree with that then just don't be part of that religion.

Things get very cloudy very quickly when members of that religion shout at, spit on, beat up, murder people who disagree with their religious viewpoint.

It's hard to sympathise with someone's beliefs when they begin to thrust them upon you!

And then there is the argument about what you teach your children to believe. We live in an odd society where it's okay to hit children and not adults, and okay to teach hatred to your offspring but doing it in a church of some sort is illegal.


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RE: The Gay Marriage poll!

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th February 2013, 15:02

Oh, serious you say.

As much as I believe you should be equal under the law. I have never understood why anyone would want to get hitched in a church who`s leaders and some of its followers think you are evil.

"Talking`s for lesbians" Psycho Paul 2011.


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