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Page 1 of Diesel & Petrol prices

General Forum

Diesel & Petrol prices

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 12th July 2015, 01:34

Just today supermarkets round here Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys, have diesel and petrol at exactly the same price and all the smaller suppliers only seem to be just 1P difference. Is this the same all over the country?
Anyone know why?
I don't recall anything in the budget re fuel tax rates.


My new Flash Fiction blog. All my own work

I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

RE: Diesel & Petrol prices

RJS (undefined) posted this on Sunday, 12th July 2015, 08:03

Random coincidence maybe? They have to happen eventually.


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RE: Diesel & Petrol prices

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 12th July 2015, 18:47

Its so you have enough money on your diesel to buy a bottle of Adblue.

Cheaper method...

Thanks from: admars

RE: Diesel & Petrol prices

admars (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 12th July 2015, 18:55

I usually just use Tesco, as I do my weekly grocery shop there, so get the extra x p off per litre every time I fill up, but there's a couple of useful sites to compare prices

(I think bugmenot works with the above if you don't want to create an account)

whatgas also has an app you can download, which can then use GPS to tell you where nearby petrol stations are and their prices.

This item was edited on Sunday, 12th July 2015, 19:58

RE: Diesel & Petrol prices

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Monday, 13th July 2015, 09:52

On a side note from the budget, car tax will change on new cars in 2017....there will be zero or low emissions as £0 anually, all other cars a flat rate of £140, and cars above £40k cost will have a suppliment of £310.

So make sure you buy under £40k. ha ha. Thats really not going to affect me unless I win the lottery.

Another factor is some medium emissions cars will lose out, like my sons car which is £100, and will now have to find another £40.

RE: Diesel & Petrol prices

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Monday, 13th July 2015, 10:27

bandicoot says...
"Another factor is some medium emissions cars will lose out"

Assuming my daughter stiil has her Fiat 500 by then that's up from £30 to £140.
Thanks George.


My new Flash Fiction blog. All my own work

I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

RE: Diesel & Petrol prices

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 16th July 2015, 09:39

Rather than start a new thread I'll broaden this one out to discuss petrol v diesel.
The Beebs got another article on the subject which surfaces regularly.

Various points occur to me.
Diesels are used in my trade due to the better build quality and longer life. I think the supposedly better fuel consumption has now been equalled by newer petrol engines.
Even cars with an efficient filter will produce black smoke after a lot of town driving and need a good thrash to clear them out before going for any MOT.
The stuff builds up after all the stop, start in towns. So why all the speed bumps?
Anyone ever done any studies of alleged improvement in road safety versus breathing problems and childhood asthma in cities?

Also anyone checked the difference in carbon footprint between building a new vehicle and emmisions over a longer life.


My new Flash Fiction blog. All my own work

I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

RE: Diesel & Petrol prices

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 16th July 2015, 10:07

I have always had a diesel, but with the advent of Euro 6 emissions, all diesel cars will require adblue additive (its actually p***s). Some cars already have the stuff and you see it in blue bottles on garage forecourts..

If the adblue runs out, your car wil not start. SO this leads to further complication, with adblue, DPF filter, recirculating exhausts, etc, etc.

So the next van I buy I am returning to petrol, (newer petrol engines are more efficient so give better MPG than they used to).

With petrol you only have to deal with a lifetime catalyitic converter, and some emission sensors. So less to go wrong.

This item was edited on Thursday, 16th July 2015, 11:08

RE: Diesel & Petrol prices

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Friday, 14th August 2015, 07:48

All is explained.
Get it while it's cheap folks.


My new Flash Fiction blog. All my own work

I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

RE: Diesel & Petrol prices

alfie noakes (Elite) posted this on Friday, 25th February 2022, 17:58

My sister just called me. It's happening again. Big queues for fuel apparently. They may just be trying to beat the big price rise but I hope we don't get shortages again. Anyone else seeing this?

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