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Gremlins Forum

What`s with the "Fear of strength"?

Jan Koldman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 09:49

I`m on about my 6th or 7th Gremlin, and on each one I`ve tried to do something different. The most successful one is where you just sacrifice strength for immense stamina and decterity, and then just sit out 20 rounds time after time after time. Dull, but an easy way to the top of the ladder.

So with the last two gremlins I`ve tried going with a "big hitter" approach, one time sacrificing stamina, and this time sacrificing dexterity. It seemed like it might be an interesting experiment.

And you know what? It is. Because each day I`ve logged on I`ve seen all of my challenges accepted, but only one or two graciously returned. It seems the gremlins (all ranked higher than I) of those with a "superstamina" plan don`t want to challenge a strong gremlin because they won`t be guaranteed 30+ points each round.

Am I guessing right on this philosophy? People with Gremlins of a strength less than 1% of their stamina simply don`t have the good grace to return a challenge?

It`s all conkers if you`ve got no string.

RE: What`s with the

Real Ale Monster (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 10:00

What doesn`t help is the fact that damage done isn`t simply calculated on your strength.

The difference between your strength and your opponents also matters.

There is also the guaranteed to hit every 3rd punch rubbish, you should hit if the game engine says you have hit, not hit because you have missed twice.

It`s because of these reason I refuse to challenge gremlins with immense strength, having the high strength Gremlins that challenge me use HIT HARDER (SpitChokeandDrool & Franny are two good examples - I never refuse but won`t challenge back any more) doesn`t help either.

Why should I waste my challenges on someone who will beat me in 2 or 3 hits, giving me 10-15 points when I can get 31 points or losing to another low strength Gremlin.

If the damage calculations were done simply on the strength of the Gremlin, and the stupidity of hit every 3 punches wasn`t there, then this wouldn`t be the case as the increased Dexterity & Stamina could make things a fair fight, but they aren`t so sorry to all the Conans out there but don`t hold your breath waiting for a challenge from my gremlins.

Even those that don`t use HIT HARDER don`t get challenged.

See this fight for example

Why would I challnege back, I`m guaranteed to lose as I can`t take 3 hits from this Gremlin(even whet it uses Conserve Energy to reduce its strength).

If the guaranteed hit rule was removed I`d have no hesitation in challenging back as I would have a good chance of avoiding the punches, getting hit 3 times then is a risk I`m willing to take. Having to stand there and be hit 3 times when I shouldn`t be getting hit means I won`t waste a challenge.

Baldric: What is your name?
Blackadder: Wibble.
Baldric: How old are you?
Blackadder: Wibble.
Baldric: Where were you born?
Blackadder: London. A small town on Mars, close to the capital city of Wibble.

This item was edited on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 11:10

RE: What`s with the

Jan Koldman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 19:36

I thought it might be just a case of sour grapes. Looks like I was right.

In fact I`m pretty sure you openly criticized me for refusing a challenge from one of your gremlins quite early on in my playing here. The reason I refused was because your gremlin was considerably stronger and fitter than mine. Interesting, eh?

If you don`t like the game engine, don`t punish other users for it. If you haven`t got the honour to issue a challenge to someone issuing one to you (where you`re ranked higher ESPECIALLY) then I think this is not the game for you.

Bad sportsmanship. You`ll get nowt more from me.

It`s all conkers if you`ve got no string.

RE: What`s with the

Real Ale Monster (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 21:21

OY D*******

I have expalined exactly why people dont challenge the Conans on here, as you asked

There are no sour grapes, I`m just not wasting the 15 points I can get losing to a wimp thaat a conan.

Yes the game machine is flawed, dont slag me off for pointing oiut exactly where - especially when i`ve pointed it out elsewhere.

Until it is changed I WILL NOT challenge Gremlins with stupidly high strength, highest I have done recently has been 10 X my stamina.

Thats how I play the game, putting up fights both sides can win not bullying other gremlins out of it, if you dont like it dont challenge me.

Baldric: What is your name?
Blackadder: Wibble.
Baldric: How old are you?
Blackadder: Wibble.
Baldric: Where were you born?
Blackadder: London. A small town on Mars, close to the capital city of Wibble.

RE: What`s with the

Jan Koldman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 23:11

Then stop complaining when people refuse your challenges. Still, it`s nice to see someone with standards so high they`re prepared to double them.

It`s all conkers if you`ve got no string.

RE: What`s with the

BugBug (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 10th July 2005, 07:01


This item was edited on Sunday, 10th July 2005, 08:10

RE: What`s with the

BugBug (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 10th July 2005, 07:05


This item was edited on Sunday, 10th July 2005, 08:10

RE: What`s with the

BugBug (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 10th July 2005, 07:08


This item was edited on Sunday, 10th July 2005, 08:11

RE: What`s with the

BeepBeep (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 10th July 2005, 07:09

Well, since I was called out in this thread, I guess I feel compelled to respond...

WACCOE said:
It`s because of these reason I refuse to challenge gremlins with immense strength, having the high strength Gremlins that challenge me use HIT HARDER (SpitChokeandDrool & Franny are two good examples - I never refuse but won`t challenge back any more) doesn`t help either.

The fight in question happened two days ago -- my grem, SpitChokenDrool, was ranked 24th and WACCOE`s vcvdfwnmvhxbzfd was ranked 16th. Spit had 5595 total points -- WACCOE`s had 7647. My strength advantage was 2401 to 135 -- he held stamina (1500 to 3081) and dex (1000 to 3683).

On this day, we used our ten challenges -- mine were used on gremlins ranked numbers 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, and 26 (I was 24) -- WACCOE challenged grems ranked #8, 12, 17, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30 (he was #16). I chose my opponents because I thought I could beat them all -- and I tried to beat them all -- I`m sure WACCOE used the same strategy -- difference is -- a high-strength grem CAN beat someone higher in the ranks -- a high-stam/dex grem ususually cannot -- so I picked mostly those above me -- he picked those most below him.

So, this brings us to the issue of why I would possibly have the nerve to use HIT HARDER against his poor, defenseless gremlin which was ranked 8 places higher than my own and had 1652 more points than mine did.

The fight is here...

When selecting my challenges, I naturally check the odds to see how my stats hold up to the other stats -- and naturally, I normally choose an opponent whom I have favorable odds against -- and choose the tactics that first will give me the best chance of a win -- and then I consider the number of points I can gain in the match -- if a different tactic can result in more points, I may choose it instead of the one with the best odds.

Many wily veterans in this game have realized that the best way to use a high-stam/dex gremlin against a high-strength grem is to use HIT HARDER themselves -- thus maintaining big advantages in stam/dex -- but cutting the strength differential down which then results in not getting punched quite so hard. I use HIT HARDER on gremlins that can use this tactic effectively on me -- and well, your grem certainly met those characteristics. Don`t believe me?? See this fight.

Turkish Delight/Didyma -- having very similar stats to your own -- used the HIT HARDER tactic against me on the very same day as our fight -- and I used HIT HARDER against him with the exact same stats I had against you -- and guess what -- he held on to win in 20 rounds.

So -- basically what I`m hearing you say is that you won`t challenge us (high strength guys) because we know how to beat you -- yet you haven`t even tried the logical approach to find out how to fight back against us. I`ll tell you -- for certain -- that your grem is more than capable of beating Spit -- even when I use HIT HARDER.

I`ve already had these discussions a few weeks ago when everyone was going off about a few other grems who were refusing challenges -- this Spit`s father, SpitChokenGag, was refused by someone who was ranked something like 10 places above me -- so I joined in the complaint party -- BUT I was told that my complaint was unjustified because of my strength -- forget the fact that the refuser had me by several thousand points -- I wasn`t allowed to complain because I had broke the golden rule and created a gremlin who could FIGHT -- not dance around the ring for 20 rounds to get 34/31 points.

It`s obvious that players like Jan Koldman (Ed) and myself (and a few others) will continue to be the evil ones -- and that`s just fine -- but remember that the challenge button appears on our browser windows too -- and the windows of my other friends/family who also play the game -- and well, between Jan Koldman, myself, and my other friends -- you`ve lost at least five challenges per day already. It`s really silly how a game can be created -- and the masses find one way to do really good at the game (despite the fact that it is incredibly boring) -- and when someone bucks that trend and goes in a different direction -- and has any level of success, they are chastised.

I`ve said it before and I`ll say it again -- it`s really hard for me to look at someone sitting atop the rankings with a losing record -- and having them look down their noses and being afraid to fight someone who has chosen a different approach to the game. A "champion"??? I think not!


Oh yeah -- and my hat is off to Big-Boy/The Original Fake for not only taking the title of strongest grem ever away from SpitChokenGag in less than a month -- but also in amassing an amazing W/L record in doing so.

RE: What`s with the

Jan Koldman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 11th July 2005, 09:41

Here`s the actual quote:

[quote="WACCOE"]That`s the way I work, which is why no gremlins owned by Sandy Dawg, Jan Koldman or hoochicoochi will ever be challended by any of my gremlins.

I`d much rather be battered to a pulp by someone I know will accept my challenges than waste them on someone who has refused in the past.[/quote]

It`s all conkers if you`ve got no string.

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