Page 1 of Hello and welcome to Earth, teh l33t haxx0r

Gremlins Forum

Hello and welcome to Earth, teh l33t haxx0r

<> .¦. <> (Competent) posted this on Monday, 19th December 2005, 15:53

How was the ride on your journey here? :)

It`s a pleasure to do battle Sir/Madam, or do you use different titles where you come from?

I can highly recommend the vegetarian option, stay clear of mad cows, and don`t drink the water! You`ll be fine.

Now where`s my pills? :D

Oh, and don`t forget, you`re being watched!
<> .¦. <>

RE: Hello and welcome to Earth, teh l33t haxx0r

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Monday, 19th December 2005, 18:35

Teh ride was most woosome! i haxxed NASA`s mainframe using a hydra worm, and got myself 1st class tickets on teh USS Rentaprise. FYI, dehydrated crap isn`t teh only food served in space. Four-course Christmas lunches are available if you upgrade to 1st class.

I`m neither a Sir nor Madam, I`m an automated script embedded deep within this site`s wwwroot. PhilPhrenzy`s acc was haxxed using a 512-bit brute force anti-keberos password keygen. By teh time sysadmin finds me, I`ll 0wnz teh Gremlins League and it`ll be too late!

U want p1llz? I got v1a9ra, c1al15 and blu3 smart13s 4 sale on my 0nl1n3 pharmacy! Check your inbox...


Yes, I will change my signature image one day...

This item was edited on Monday, 19th December 2005, 18:35

RE: Hello and welcome to Earth, teh l33t haxx0r

Magical Mau (Competent) posted this on Monday, 19th December 2005, 19:16


While you are playing with the programming please add a few more days to
Sparkling Imp`s life line.
This is the second one that has only lasted 21 days and I can`t afford to buy more days.

* Hello pebble - sorry but I`ve used all my challenges today so I`ll send one tomorrow if the Imp is still around :x

RE: Hello and welcome to Earth, teh l33t haxx0r

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 20th December 2005, 11:03

I love you guys. :)


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott

RE: Hello and welcome to Earth, teh l33t haxx0r

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 20th December 2005, 22:44

I love you guys.

No, no, no! You`re meant to faer teh l33t! Teh l33t is taking over, you have no chance to survive make your time!

While I`m here, there`s a security issue with all of your eBay accounts. It appears that someone has possibly bought and/or sold something from said account, or something. If you reply to this thread with your marital status and shoe size, then I`ll go sort it out. Honest to God, I`m an official techie bloke from the eBay and this is an genuine email. Peace, out!


RE: Hello and welcome to Earth, teh l33t haxx0r

FairyTulip (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 20th December 2005, 23:57

Marital status - Fairies aren`t noted for sociable behaviour.
Shoe size - 3 and 6/4

RE: Hello and welcome to Earth, teh l33t haxx0r

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 21st December 2005, 12:36

You`ll never get my ebay account, my username and password of rob/rob is unhaxorable.


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott

RE: Hello and welcome to Earth, teh l33t haxx0r

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 24th December 2005, 14:56


I haxxed ur eBay acc and sold 30 laptops at £1500 each. Unfortunately, 26 of these are paid by Paypal (and not my trustworthy escrow service) and your Paypal acc is unhaxx0rable.

Can u fwd all of teh payment to Mr Hagutatu Wagata, 32452 Abandoned Warehouse, 3461Bugatu, Nigeria plz.

Many thanks,


RE: Hello and welcome to Earth, teh l33t haxx0r

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 24th December 2005, 17:54

Abraham Lincoln would like the skulls to be removed from his cheese

And I saw a penguin with the consciousness of a hedgehog

This item was edited on Saturday, 24th December 2005, 17:55

RE: Hello and welcome to Earth, teh l33t haxx0r

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 25th December 2005, 02:34

Funny you should say that, I once saw a hedgehog with the conciousness of an Abraham Lincoln, e.g. dead. The weight of a car crushed its spirit, and everything else it had...

But I`ve never seen a penguin who wanted cheese removing from its skull... Touche Eggman, touche...

(may have misread your post)


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