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Page 1 of lg2280p,firmware+region hack(ittroll+jimbo)

Hack Help Forum

lg2280p,firmware+region hack(ittroll+jimbo)

dave* (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 6th March 2001, 18:59

i was able to region hack my 2280p with the posted hack and was elated as i have read that not all 2280p owners were able to,but thinking back my player would not play the MATRIX so i contacted LG and they arranged an exchange,i now know that the firmware was updated and this is probably why the hack worked.the thing is the problem is that it won`t play the bonus disc with the FIGHT CLUB now i havn`t tryed toy story yet.i have checked the firmware with the hack and it says version 1.6 also after checking this it defaults back to region 2,so i had to re-hack it.i would have thought the firmware was good enough but i guess not,i`ll have to get back to LG.
just wondered what you thought
dave* (great player)

RE: lg2280p,firmware+region hack(ittroll+jimbo)

IT Troll (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 6th March 2001, 20:25

This is weird!

I thought the current version of the firmware was 1.4 and that LG are still testing the Toy Story/Fight Club fixed firmware, which I presumed would be v1.5

This item was edited on Tuesday, 6th March 2001, 20:29

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