Page 1 of Goodbye from Steve Hoyle

Hack Help Forum

Goodbye from Steve Hoyle

Steve Hoyle (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 2nd February 2002, 15:37

This is my last thread on this forum .... As a chipper I know only about players that need to be chipped and not about players that can be remote hacked ... for this reason when I see someone asking about a player that has no possible remote hack I tell them it has to be chipped and normally sign off with my name and URL which makes it quite clear
that I am a chipper and not a member of the public , I feel if I didnt do this people may think I was being sneaky.

In the past I was told off for saying messages like "We have a chip for this" or "buy a chip from us" , I was asked to stop doing this and instead only ever said things like "it has to be chipped" or similar then signed off with my URL.

Recently this too has been outlawed but as you will see from my post last time I was hauled up for this I gave DVD reviewer two choices .... I would stop posting all together on their forum OR would continue to post but sign off with my URL .. they never responded to this.

here is the important part of the thread if you dont want to read it all ....

I am more than happy to help using this log in of Steve Hoyle rather that the deleted login (Steve-www.******* but I will always finish my message with

Steve www.*********

If i dont get to mention my site at all then I am simply acting as your unpaid technical helper ... time is money and there are other things I can be doing rather than helping to make your site no.1 for free :)

So I will help people the best I can without ever saying that I sell chips so long as I can finish my post with

Steve www.*******

As I am no longer allowed to sign off with my URL that must mean I am no longer welcome here .... when this thread is dead then I`m gone .... Regarding paying 300GBP a month for an advert ... that is plain ridiculous .... who the hell can afford advetising bills like that ??? I have a banner on another forum for a fraction of that cost ....

If anyone wants to contact me then I will still be around on these other forums

the email I received from DVD Reviewer follows

OK Steves, this has gone far enough.

You have both been warned about scrounging free ad space on Reviewer in the past. Obviously it works, else you wouldn`t continually be here. While we value your contributions, we are not a charity and cannot allow this to continue.

The database is currently being cleared of all sneaky URLs and the like, and here is how we are going to monitor you from now on. Reviewer Ltd will be invoicing you for the equivalent of a standard permanently displayed region-hack forum button should we see this happening again (currently 300 pounds a month) as you are certainly enjoying this benefit. We will now see whether you are part of the DVD Reviewer community, or just out for a quick buck at our expense.
Kind regards

Mark Fountain
Reviewer Ltd

The UK`s BIGGEST Online DVD Magazine

This item was edited on Saturday, 2nd February 2002, 17:31

RE: Goodbye from Steve Hoyle

wasp (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 2nd February 2002, 15:59

Well I sent some one your way the other day,wanted to know how to macro defeat a wharfedale 750`s and I said go


Just trying to be helpfull.


RE: Goodbye from Steve Hoyle

wonder (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 2nd February 2002, 16:03

yes let`s all backup steve

my backing here

RE: Goodbye from Steve Hoyle

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 2nd February 2002, 20:03

>>>>>"So I will help people the best I can without ever saying that I sell chips so long as I can finish my post with

Steve www.*******"<<<<<<

That`s just it, Steve - you weren`t signing off in the agreed manner, you were signing off like this :

DVD Chips
www.dvd*****" (or often just the full URL which I would often edit in a so-called "humourous" fashion).

Doesn`t take a rocket scientist to work it out, does it mate ;-)

To be fair to you, I`ve always tried to jokingly nudge you in the right direction , but the above clearly constitutes advertising, which is why I sent the original warning to you and a competitor.

I certainly have no axe to grind with you as a person through my own dealings with you and from your support to me at my website, and will often recommend you in threads here and else whereon the `Net - if enough people have had good service from you then goodwill referrals are an excellent way of spreading the word about your hard work.

Enforcing the Forum Rules is something I have to uphold in my duties as a moderator, and I`m sorry that you feel they are being unreasonable - remember they are a company too !

Anyway, just my two penn`orth, mate.

I really hope you do continue posting mate.


RE: Goodbye from Steve Hoyle

theykilledsteve (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 3rd February 2002, 00:13

Just to let you know they disabled my account so I couldnt even reply to my own thread ....I did say this is my last thread and not this is my last post

Steve Hoyle

This item was edited on Sunday, 3rd February 2002, 00:21

RE: Goodbye from Steve Hoyle

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 3rd February 2002, 01:30

Aint that just sodding typical..... Well done Reviewer for the typical british attitude, Take Take and just alittle more Take, (Oh yes Steve you can put your URL on this forum BUT only if you pay us (Reviewer) £300 for the pleasure.....) I dont know about anyone else but I consider this guy to have quite handy and helpful in the past, Lets not forget the *FREE* Dansai chips he gave away! And when you think about it, Its not Reviewer thats gonna miss him, Its the average Joe Bloggs who needs helping out! If steve had been the type of person to say "Ill give advise on DVD chipping at a cost" Im sure Reviewer would be up in arms, COST thay might say, But its a forum, Free advise for people who need it?

All I can say is I hope all you people concerned with this decision are happy with the outcome, We`ve lost a valuable member of this community regardless of whats happened...... Who`s next on the hit list?

RE: Goodbye from Steve Hoyle

wasp (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 3rd February 2002, 02:13

I have to uphold in my duties as a moderator,

Clayts, dear fellow just sit down and relax take a sip of water,Matron will be taking you for a walk later...............And when you come back we can watch your that nice DVD of your`s ( sound of music I think) on that DVD player , the one the nice man from fixed for us at the rest home.

Carefull not to spill your Horlicks Dear,....... The hills are alive with sound of music.....


This item was edited on Sunday, 3rd February 2002, 02:16

RE: Goodbye from Steve Hoyle

Mark Fountain (Super Admin) posted this on Sunday, 3rd February 2002, 09:46

At the end of the day, we set forum rules for the benefit of all forum members.

We have had complaints about why we are not quick enough to clamp down on it in the past. As soon as one person breaks the rules we get the "well he`s doing it so I will too" issue. Then the forum quickly breaks down. This is unacceptable.

Steve has been warned time and time again about this, but it seems to fall on deaf ears. When we get complaints, we have to look into them and act accordingly. With Steve we have turned far more blind eyes than to other contributors, as his contributions are very useful, but recently he seems to be more concerned in pimping his service instead of acting for the good of the DVD Reviewer community. The other contributor we also contacted about this has acted positively without any of the tantrums, and will continue to post useful and constructive advice.

God knows why we have to have all this drama queen nonsense. Steve said goodbye, his account was disabled - plain and simple.

DVD Reviewer

This item was edited on Sunday, 3rd February 2002, 09:47

RE: Goodbye from Steve Hoyle

wasp (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 3rd February 2002, 18:23

. Steve said goodbye, his account was disabled - plain and simple.

And bloody fast!

RE: Goodbye from Steve Hoyle

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 3rd February 2002, 23:16

Drama Queen nonsense.... No, Its probably because people liked him!
But then you lot @ reviewer dont really give a s***e about that anyway.


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