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Page 1 of Phillips 711 multi-region hack

Hack Help Forum

Phillips 711 multi-region hack

Grantaire8 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 26th November 2000, 20:49

I have a One for all remote control 7540, which does not have a DVD button, but does have an AUX option. However, even after entering the code in the RC6 hack onto the AUX option, the DVD doesn`t respond to the remote in any way. Does this mean that only the one-for-all`s with the DVD button actually works? If so, I may as well go for a chip which will cost roughly the same price as a remote!

RE: Phillips 711 multi-region hack

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th November 2000, 12:42

I believe you can setup using the VCR button......

why go for a method is RCE proof and doesn`t invalidate your warranty.........

PLUS.........if you look carefully enough the remote should only cost you £20.00!.......

RE: Phillips 711 multi-region hack

Grantaire8 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 27th November 2000, 23:55

Ah bugger, the VCR button method doesn`t work either. Thanks anyhow, next question is: if this remote didn`t do anything, why will the other remote actually activate the input sequence? I`d have thought that instructing it to send out a code was the same on any of the remotes?

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