Page 1 of Tosh220/Dansai1010/cyberhome505/samsungs225

Hardware Forum


geriatric (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 5th October 2002, 22:49

Reading/devouring the great (but very competitive) comments on moderately priced DVD players, I`m in a heck of a quandry.

Should I buy the cheapest of this bunch?
Or should I spend £135 at Richer and buy the Tosh e220?
Another option for the miser in me, is to buy the samsung £225 at £129 (not £119) as I reported last night (still not received any threads on this model --- is it such a bummer??)

RE: Tosh220/Dansai1010/cyberhome505/samsungs225

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th October 2002, 01:32

Tosh all the way if you can stretch to it : picking up awards left right and centre.

RE: Tosh220/Dansai1010/cyberhome505/samsungs225

Saxton (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th October 2002, 12:33

so is the cyberhome 505!

RE: Tosh220/Dansai1010/cyberhome505/samsungs225

geriatric (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 6th October 2002, 22:11

Thanks Clayts, you seem to know very much of what you talk about.
But not to let go of the bone just yet, do you anything about the Samsung S225?

Thanks also to Dantheman for your contribution to my quandry.

Both you guys have given me the benefit of your experience, but the bottom line question is the Tosh worth the extra dosh??

This item was edited on Sunday, 6th October 2002, 22:12

RE: Tosh220/Dansai1010/cyberhome505/samsungs225

MBA (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 7th October 2002, 21:55

The tosh does not output NTSC as PAL 50. I would had bought one, but my 5 year old toshiba dolby sorround telly would not take it. I have a dansai 1010 because of that.

RE: Tosh220/Dansai1010/cyberhome505/samsungs225

geriatric (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 7th October 2002, 22:11

Thanks MBA for your response.
I will be putting my DVD output via a Panny TX-32PG50.
Would this cause a similar problem?

RE: Tosh220/Dansai1010/cyberhome505/samsungs225

MicoMan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th October 2002, 15:44

Samsung 225?? Dont you mean 224??

Here for £99 delivered. Region 2 model can be handset hacked!

Just search this forum for reviews

RE: Tosh220/Dansai1010/cyberhome505/samsungs225

john-306 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 8th October 2002, 19:23

You`ll find details of the Samsung 225 here...

RE: Tosh220/Dansai1010/cyberhome505/samsungs225

Saxton (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th October 2002, 20:19

i would reccomend a cyberhome!

RE: Tosh220/Dansai1010/cyberhome505/samsungs225

geriatric (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 9th October 2002, 00:52

Thanks, john-306.

I`m pretty sure it was a 225 in my local Safeway, but I`ll slip tomorrow (sorry, I mean later today) and double check.

Meanwhile I`ll have a squint at samsun`s website!

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