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Is the following av amp any good???

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th May 2003, 18:03

Hi Guys -

Its the Yamaha DSPA X1 AV amp. Its a bit of a monster and i think many places are knocking these out as dicontinued products. Only thing lacking is DPL 2. Were about £1200 before and i`ve seen one for £300 but dont know whether its very future proof??

Otherwise i was think of getting the Marantz 4300 or 5300??

What do you think??

Is the 6.1 a full 6.1 or is it this `matrix` jobby?? I dont really understand it very well to be honest

Many thanks in advance


RE: Is the following av amp any good???

Occean (Competent) posted this on Monday, 12th May 2003, 18:37

No yamaha there

Guessing by the price - it is probably very good for £300. You need to ask yourself if you really need the extra rear speaker, I know alot of people who are more than happy with a good quality 5.1 system.

For future proof you need to see if it has a 5.1 (or 6.1) input - for formats such as DVD-A and SACD.

I am really impressed with prologic 2 though, great for amient `chill out` type music, and of course the Gamecube.

But if you want you music in stereo (like it should be) and are happy with 5.1 or 6.1 setup it sounds like a good bet.

RE: Is the following av amp any good???

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th May 2003, 19:03

RE: Is the following av amp any good???

Occean (Competent) posted this on Monday, 12th May 2003, 20:45

Looks like a nice machine - especially if you can get it for £300!

it also supports yamaha`s extra front speakers bringing the total to 10 speakers (9 surrounds and a

As far as I am aware DD Ex is a matrixed rear and the only `true` 6.1 is dts es discret...I`ll stop there as I am not 100% check this link it may help:

Overall the amp seems a v.good bet if you can live without PL2

This item was edited on Monday, 12th May 2003, 21:49

RE: Is the following av amp any good???

jumpingforjoy (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 13th May 2003, 12:01

To add to above. Had to speak to What Hifi a couple of days ago about the Marantz SR4300 and the Sony STRDB1080. They mentioned a new Yamaha (RX-V440). Replaces the highly rated 430 and they were giving me the impression that they rated the best of the bunch for 6.1 sound. Have found this for £230 on QED.UK and Unbeatable and this does PL2 and all the extra sound sounds.

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