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Long discs sticking on the Medion MD40288

timechaser (Elite) posted this on Monday, 15th December 2003, 11:50

I bought the Medion MD40288 off Amazon couple of weeks back. Although it plays just about everything under the sun (including a couple of random MPEGs which I stuck on a disc), it has a habit of sticking on the new "long" DVDs with multiple movies on them. I have several, and have not been able to play any through to the end.

Could this be a firmware problem or something else? The DVDs are fine as they play absolutely sweetly on my laptop`s drive.

Just wondering whether I got stuck with a lemon. Amazon seems to have discontinued the players as well...



"I am worst at what I do the best, for this gift I feel blessed. I found it hard... it was hard to find. Oh well, Whatever! NEVERMIND"

RE: Long discs sticking on the Medion MD40288

Tuco99 (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 15th December 2003, 12:01

For my Cyberhome 528 it was a firmware problem - found at

Also advised not to upgrade the firmware as this has other bugs built in. Considering the Cyberhome 400 from WH Smiths if it can play the compressed disks.

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