Page 1 of Cyber Home AD-N212 - £119.95 *** CHECK IT OUT ***

Hardware Forum

Cyber Home AD-N212 - £119.95 *** CHECK IT OUT ***

Carrot Cruncher (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 12th October 2000, 14:03

I first saw this machine advertised at and was highly impressed by its features. Its gone from there now.
Multi-region/S-Video Socket/Coaxial & Digital outputs/CDR/CDRW and I believe, though not certain MP3 too.
Being a dumbass I let its looks put me off. DUMBASS.

Specs in Dutch - Could only find this for details:

DVD, VCD (versie 1.1 en 2.0), SVCD, CD-DA, CD-R(W).

Dus geen CD/DVD-Rom, MP3 en Photo-CD.

Beeldformaten: 4:3 Letterbox & Pan-Scan, 16:9 Wide afhankelijk van de DVD.

Geluid: LPCM en Dolby Digitaal (ongedecodeerd en geen DTS ondersteuning).

Macrovision: OFF (bij aflevering).

Regiecode: 2 (bij aflevering), via afstandsbediening te wijzigen (dus `regiocode vrij`).

Extra`s: Multi angle functie (indien DVD dit ondersteund), Auto power off (30/60/90 min.).

Kleur: Zwart.

Pakket bevat: AD-N212 DVD Speler, afstandbediening (incl batterijen), Tulp (DVD) SCART (TV) kabel, 1 jaar garantie.

The advert for `Richer Sounds`, I found in Todays Times 2 supplement. state £119.95 although I coulnt find it on their website.
Their version is in black (I think!).
National Call Centre 0870 900 1000 or about 40 store telephone numbers nationwide.
Call 0845 1 300 200 for a free bargain-packed catalogue/store list.

This has got to be the cheapest full spec machine out there.
I wonder what the pictures like!

I dont work for Cyberhome or Richer Sounds. And dont blame me if you buy one and it stinks.

Spec For Different Model 512 here - It sure looks nice!


This item was edited on Thursday, 12nd October 2000, 14:20

RE: Cyber Home AD-N212 - £119.95 *** CHECK IT OUT ***

Stavrosss (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 12th October 2000, 17:36

I`ve heard that WH Smiths are selling a Cyberhome dvd player for 130squid. Not sure what model, possibly the AD-M 212 (or even 512, but probably not) anyway, looks like good value. Got this reply about the WHS offer on

Here`s the manufacturer`s home page:

This guy seems to have created a fan page for cyberhome products!

If you follow the images link, the first black player looks pretty
similar to the one in Smiths. I called in today and asked if I could
have a look at an instruction manual but they couldn`t oblige. The
girl said that they where having some leaflets printed up and that
they will be available shortly.

Any more info would be great, like what model WHS is really selling and stuff! Seems like it could be multi-region and maybe even macroviion free. If so, it could be great value!!


This item was edited on Thursday, 12nd October 2000, 17:37

My God Its All True!!! - And I Just Spent £187 On A Mico

Carrot Cruncher (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 12th October 2000, 22:19

Damn it! The Cyberhome does all I need and is the cheapest by far!

Also its popularity amongst the Germans is a good sign.
They having higher standards than us. Great to see various firmware ready for download. I dont think the Mico is bothered about upgrading theirs. I`m even beginning to love its looks.
Mico going back, maybe!

Specs in English


RE: My God Its All True!!! - And I Just Spent £187 On A Mico

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th October 2000, 22:31

Carrot it`s all Dutch to me mte ( had to be done)

Cheap `n` Nasty

IT Troll (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 12th October 2000, 23:04

Had a look at the packaging today in WHSmiths and it certainly looks like a black version of the AD-N212.

Certainly not the AD-M212 or AD-M512 which have a lot more buttons on their facias. When you look at the specs of the AD-N212 it is an extremely basic player:

No DTS, No SCART/RGB, No MP3, No remote (?).

A bit too cheap `n` nasty me thinks.

This item was edited on Thursday, 12nd October 2000, 23:05

RE: Cheap `n` Nasty

Carrot Cruncher (Competent) posted this on Friday, 13th October 2000, 00:45

I think youre right. What a shame. Maybe it does MP3 as I seem to remember it stated it in the ad.
No remote? UNFORGIVABLE If its true.
Its still the Mico or new Wharfedale then.
Whats the betting I wont like either?


RE: Cheap `n` Nasty

Stavrosss (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 13th October 2000, 09:14

Oh well sorry for the misleading info then, haven`t seen it myself yet, will pop into smiths on saturday to check it out though. For a moment there I was really excited, argh! well the basic one might be awl right if you don`t mind not having dts, and I`m sure it does have a remote after all! (fan site has a pic of one of the silver ones with a reasonable back remote) also, according to the fan site it could be macro free and multi-region as standard. I could live with just svideo out... I`m sure picture quality would be low though, but what do you expect for 130 squid!


RE: Cheap `n` Nasty

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 14th October 2000, 00:03

I expect my player to have no `shimmer`...wot the hell do you mean, Trolll !

Mrs Miggins

IT Troll (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 14th October 2000, 00:57

You probably don`t notice the `shimmer` on your Encore as you are too distracted by the audio synch problems.

I do like What Video & TV`s rather dry summary of the Encore DV-450:

"Very capable - apart from the picture quality" :-)

RE: Cheap `n` Nasty

Stavrosss (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 15th October 2000, 16:30

Ok, just to confirm, had a look in WHS on saturday, and its deffinately the AD-N212 on sale (cos it says so on the box!) Not sure if I want to go for it now, getting a bit fed up with this DVD business, been trying to decide on a player for months without much success! Haven`t found one yet the just screams out "buy me!". Humbug!


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