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Filling Mission M73 speakers up with sand?

Ant-dvd (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th September 2001, 14:07

Currently waiting for my new M73 Speakers to arrive.

A friend of mine showed me an article this morning about filling these speakers up with sand.

Does anyone here have these speakers?.
Have you filled them with sand?, if so which type of sand did you use?


RE: Filling Mission M73 speakers up with sand?

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Friday, 7th September 2001, 14:34

I nearly wrote an article about this !!

You can fill most speaker stands with sand - I`m not sure about the M73 stands, but I`m sure you could speak to Mission and check.

To do it properly, you need to BAKE the sand !! That`s right, it goes in the oven at high temps for between 30 and 60 minutes. That way, you know that it`s moisture-free, and won`t rust the stands from the inside.

Once`s it`s cooled a little (it gets HOT HOT HOT !!) then use a funnel to pour it into the stands.

You can buy sand from most garden centres which is supposed to be used for childrens play areas - I think it`s called "silver sand".



RE: Filling Mission M73 speakers up with sand?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th September 2001, 15:52

As Dan says - it`s the STANDS you fill with sand, not the speakers!!

RE: Filling Mission M73 speakers up with sand?

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th September 2001, 16:50

The floor standing M73`s do have a bung on the back you can pull out to mass load them.

Silver sand is the stuff you want and as Dan says bake it. All so get a large polly bag ( non crinkley) put it in to the speaker and fill. Make sure you put equal amounts in each speaker and start small and build up. It is easy to put in not so to take out.

Hope this helps,

All the best,


RE: Filling Mission M73 speakers up with sand?

lard (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th September 2001, 18:14

Ooo I filled my speaker stands with standard building sand a few years back and haven`t looked in them since. I didn`t bake it either so I expect the insides are like the back end of a Japanese car.

One thing to bear in mind is it makes the stands -very- heavy. That`s nice for the stability of the stand but it doesn`t stop you knocking the speaker off it when you`re drunk...

RE: Filling Mission M73 speakers up with sand?

Ant-dvd (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th September 2001, 20:38

Cheers for the feedback on my question.

I am certainly glad i asked it now, i would have neither baked the sand or placed a bag inside the stand first.

Thanks very much

I am presuming i simply need to add the sand in small doses until i find the sound i like?. The problem with this i guess is it is difficult to go back
and take sand out as i put more in especially trying to take it out evenly from each speaker.

Does anyone have a rough idea of what sort of volume of sand we could be talking?.

Perhaps talking in pints might help :-) a couple of pints of sand in each?

RE: Filling Mission M73 speakers up with sand?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th September 2001, 21:50

It`s a good job Westy is out on the lam tonite, cos he`d be apopleptic with your suggestions...

Cat litter ;-)

This item was edited on Friday, 7th September 2001, 21:51

RE: Filling Mission M73 speakers up with sand?

Ant-dvd (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th September 2001, 22:19

Next doors cat coming in and peeing on my mission`s just what i need ;-)

RE: Filling Mission M73 speakers up with sand?

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 8th September 2001, 11:02

How much? It`s hard to say.

First of all run your spaekers in befor you do any filling as the sound will change with time. As a rule of thumb 30-40 hours of use should do it. If you can leave your CD player on repeat all day this gets it done over 3-4 days.

As I said befor start small and build up in equal amounts. Luckerly the hole in the back of the M73 is quite big so it is not as hard as some to empty, more awkward.

People keep on talking about stands and M73 not recomeded unless you are 9ft tall freak or Nial Quinn.

All the best,


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