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Page 1 of Dubai Grundig GDV-130D Player

Hardware Forum

Dubai Grundig GDV-130D Player

meastwoo (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd October 2001, 15:41

Hi folks,

I have read many UK reviews of the UK Grundig GDV-130 DVD Player and most of them slate it as being poor quality blocky picture, inability to handle complex branching discs etc.. I was given the above mentioned player 3 weeks ago as a gift from a relative who bought it in Dubai ( The Dubai version must be better than the UK version because I have had no such problems to date with my player. It seems to be a pretty sharp picture, good sound and can handle technically complex discs such as The Matrix, X-Men, Charlie`s Angels etc.. It also plays DVD, VCD, CD-R, CD-RW, Audio CD and MP3. The hacks on this website also work with it. I have tried the X-Men region 1 NTSC DVD on this player with my cheap Bush 2871NTX (PAL) TV and the picture is still sharp and in proper colour. This Dubai sourced player seems to be able to convert the NTSC disk to a PAL format for the TV. I do use an RGB Scart connection so I don`t know if that`s why it comes out ok but I`m not complaining. It even works with 110V to 240V.

Why does the UK Grundig GDV-130 Player get such a raw deal and lack of features ? Perhaps my player has a newer version of firmware which makes it a bit better. Perhaps the Dubai model is better or newer than the UK model. The Dubai model is called GDV-130D whereas the UK model is called GDV-130.

Who knows. Apologies for harping on about it.

RE: Dubai Grundig GDV-130D Player

Toy_car (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th October 2001, 00:46

this player is made by TYT in korea, and the reasion for bad reviews is down to the firmware on the player. it has come a long way over the months. there are many players based on the same hardware with different cases. the scan SC2000, the logix 3000, the divido, the daewoo 2000, the Manhattan DVD2000 , the Emerson 2100 to name but a few, and there price varies from £130 to £250 for the same player in a different box. there is a users group set up for the TYT Clones you can find at were you will find lots of usefull info, firmwares ect.

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