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Playing avi files on a Philips

autumnranger (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 26th August 2006, 03:03

Does anyone know what should be done to adjust the picture quality on avi files when played on a Philips dvd player? The model I have is the DVP642, don`t know it`s equivalent in the UK or EU. I can`t put the machine on progressive scan mode, the tv (which is also a Philips) goes blank when I set it on progressive scan.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or solutions.

....and you thought life was tough

This item was edited on Saturday, 26th August 2006, 04:04

RE: Playing avi files on a Philips

biddenden_sue (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 26th August 2006, 08:28

You only use progressive scan if:

a) the TV is either Plasma or LCD
b) you are connected using component (red/green/blue leads)

So unless you have done both those things, you cannot use Progressive.

If your DVD player is compatible with AVi files, leave the output exactly as it was for normal DVDs and they should play. They will only play if they are standard definition.

If they are High Def, you require a High Def player and an HDMI lead connected to your flatscreen TV in order to get a picture. Try downscaling on the PC if this is the problem.

RE: Playing avi files on a Philips

autumnranger (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 26th August 2006, 23:28

Thanks Sue.

Then I guess there is no getting around converting the avi to another format like Divx for instance so it will play on the Philips?

I tried playing around with the settings and the picture cleared up (the avi file) when I exited the settings menu. So I suppose going to the settings menu changes the picture quality. What a curious piece of machinery this Philips dvd player is. Atleast it can play other regions with no trouble...

....and you thought life was tough

RE: Playing avi files on a Philips

biddenden_sue (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 27th August 2006, 09:37

The movie must be burnt to disc ina format that the machine recognises. You can`t fool it, sorry.

But don`t ask me how to convert formats - I know nothing about that kind of thing. Start a new thread if necessary?

RE: Playing avi files on a Philips

Hackeroonie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 27th August 2006, 20:13

For information The UK Equivalent is the DVP630/05

Have you been to Philips Service and updated to the Latest Firmware ...not sure if it helps

Also Nobody is trying to fool anything .....Both Players the DVP642 & DVP630/05 both Play avi (Divx) as Standard

I have had no problems with the Picture Quality on any Avi ( Divx) files I have attempted to play ...... I guess it all depends on the Quality of the Original.

This item was edited on Sunday, 27th August 2006, 21:13

RE: Playing avi files on a Philips

autumnranger (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 27th August 2006, 21:55

I think I figured out part of the problem, the original avi file must have come from a PAL system and my tv is NTSC. I converted the avi to divx and the picture was better and not as pixelated (don`t know how else to describe it, it`s like raw CGI images)

....and you thought life was tough

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